Microcuts on ISP - affects only one game. why?

Jan 16, 2019
So, I have been having this problem for over a year and a half now.
I have confirmed that my ISP has microcuts in the connection.
I can play any online games, no issue whatsoever, EXCEPT for the one game I wanna play: Aura Kingdom.
It is the only game that dcs every 10-30min constantly, it is extremely annoying so I cannot play it.
Any ideas as to why this is the only game that is affected by the microcuts?
If it is really only 1 game and it is not the game software itself causing the problem then you blame the connection between your ISP and the game company ISP.

There is not much you can do if the connection between ISP is having a problem.

It is much more likely it is some bug in the game.
Jan 16, 2019
Is there any way to ''trick'' a microcut?
Because I really do not understand that all software somehow manages to overcome the hiccup, but this one doesn't.
I apologise I am definitely not tech-saavy.
You would have to test and see if you are really taking outages and where.

Pretty standard tests. Run a tracert to the server and then use a constant ping command to see which hop is losing the data. If it is none then the game is telling lies and you are not getting a actual outage. Be careful a actual outage requires that a hop and all hops past all lose traffic at the same time. Just losing traffic to say hop 5 means nothing. Key would be to test to the server itself....some do not respond ever... and see if you actually are losing data.
Jan 16, 2019
thanks for your time, bill.
Might be a standard test, but I do not have any clue what you are telling me to do :)
Will take your words to a friend or relative who can put them into practice.
thanks again