

Jan 9, 2002
Gosh, I was all set to get an Alienware, until I read the posts here. Plus they never responded to my email...

Anyone have any experience with MicronPC? They have pretty good prices for an XP2000+ with an nForce MLB. Any horror stories?

We could give you pointers on what to do and where to buy from if you'd like.

Arguing about Intel/AMD is like being in the Special Olympics even if you win you're still retarded!
Thanks for the offer for help! I was thinking about building my own. I still may, but I need this system for work (self employed) and I can't take the risk of downtime (short or long). And since it would be my first, things may not go as smoothly as I'd like.

Pre-built I'd be paying about $2250 for an XP+2000, nforce (waiting for the 415-D which will drop the price a little), GeForce3 Ti-500, 1GB ram, 120GB HD, DVD, CDRW, and all the other standard gizmos they throw in (I already have a monitor).

About how much would that be for a DIY (plus $199 for Windos XP)? I'm one of those folks that's willing to pay a little extra for pre-built.

On a side note, anyone know if the nForce 415-D will support the AMD Thoroughbred? Socket A is supposed to be good for AMD cpus until at least the end of 2002.

at least he'll have the support.

Ok if you are going to do this then the most important thing to get right is the background to the Company - make sure they have a decent tech line - ring it up before you buy your machine and ask them a challenging question - pretend you have a mahcine - see if they are competent.

Ask everyone who has bought one - see what there ratio of unhappy Customers there are. The software package you can rid of as they are all crap any way. just install your own - you know what is on machine then.

Also check the upgradeablilty - It's amazing how much they will start charging you to upgrade your machine - They WILL charge you labour costs. Even if it says free upgrade service.

These OEM manufactures are NOT your friends they need your money to survive - provided you are aware of this then buy from them just research the deal first. need any help with the T&C of oems just shout - I work for one.

<font color=purple><b>Techie2001</font color=purple></b>
<i>(Crazy Alien)</i>
If it ain't broke, Don't fix it. :wink:
I've been looking through reseller.com and newegg.com and I'm getting jiggy with building my own OR buying a bare bones system with just a MLB, power supply and case, FD, etc, which MicronPC will let you do. And they don't use any proprietary stuff. Technical support and upgrades is not that important--I can do all that. Warranty and good Customer Service would be nice, though.

Gosh, what an age old question this must be.

But, on to other questions. What in the heck is the difference between, say an OEM part, a Retail part and a Boxed part? I'm guessing Boxed is the same as Retail.

And I take it no one really knows if Thoroughbed will work in socket A on current newest MLBs (like nforce)?

<b><font color=red>O</b></font color=red>riginal
<b><font color=red>E</b></font color=red>quipment
<b><font color=red>M</b></font color=red>anufacturer

OEM = Underperformance ----(generally)

AS for the Thoroughbred question...

There aren't any tech docs/white papers out yet to tell us what it will use.

<b>"I'll have a steak sandwich and a steak sandwich." - Fletch</b> :lol:
ifyou BIY save a little over a hundred bux on the OS get the academic version for 85.00 at newegg.com of xp pro when you buy (any piece) of hardware also

<b><font color=blue>Checking under my north AND south bridges for trolls</font color=blue>
except for some ati vid cards oem is usually the same as retail minus the value added software ( games etc) and sometimes manuals.. the other exception is that an oem cpu does not come with the HSF.. otherwise the specs are the same for the parts

<b><font color=blue>Checking under my north AND south bridges for trolls</font color=blue>