Microphone not working after recent windows 10 update?


Feb 24, 2015
Just installed the new windows update and now i cant use my mic, it doesnt pick it up whatsoever.
If i set windows to "listen" to this device, which means i can hear myself speak through my own headset, then it picks up the mic. Obviously i dont want to hear myself when gaming.

Headset is Steelseries Siberia with mic
Hi, try this: go to Windows Settings, go to Privacy, on the left click on Microphone, be sure the Allow apps to access your microphone option is turned On. You may need to same for Camera on the left.

I had to enable both when my webcam "stopped working" after the update.

Hi, try this: go to Windows Settings, go to Privacy, on the left click on Microphone, be sure the Allow apps to access your microphone option is turned On. You may need to same for Camera on the left.

I had to enable both when my webcam "stopped working" after the update.

Got the same problem and I have all my privacy settings to ON. My friend on discord can only hear me when I got playback on Realtek but it's shit quality and I can hear myself as clear as before. Just updated to the new windows update.

This worked for me. I had the same problem as OP (could hear the microphone device when using "Listen To" so I knew it wasn't a hw problem) and even uninstalled/reinstalled each driver (using my Logitech G230 Headset, which doesn't require special drivers).

Do you think that the new Windows 10 update just clobbered the privacy settings for microphones, or was this an intended change?
I don't know if it was deliberately set to block webcams and mics or not, but it does so by default after the update. In my opinion, if they were going to do this on purpose (for security reasons), I think they should have provided a huge notice of warning to users that their mics & cams would be blocked by default in the Privacy settings. They didn't. It left me (and I'm sure 1000's of others) scrambling for several days trying to figure out what was wrong. I use my webcam daily.

I finally got my answer [here]. That's me on there (Garden3519). I think that was about 48 hours after the update was released. I even did a "roll back" on my laptop to make sure webcam worked on the old Windows, it did.

If you look at that [forum], you'll see alot of activity right after the new Win update. Before that, not so much. For every 1 person that posts a question there's probably many more who didn't want to sign up and post a question. My point is, this new Privacy setting caused alot of problems for alot of people. Many people don't use a mic/webcam daily so those people will discover a few weeks / months later that theirs aren't working and wonder why.

I also created [this Tutorial].

There's also driver issues with soundcards / microphones that are causing other people problems, I don't want to dismiss that. That could be the problem the OP (original poster) here had.

Sorry for the rant at Microsoft, I hope the OP gets their problem fixed.