Microphone plugged in, but not working on new pc [Realtek]


Jan 26, 2014
I'm frustrated, I've literally tried everything what I could find on net, but nothing is working. On Recording Devices it shows that microphone is plugged in, but it's not working. I've just changed to my new pc (on old pc (literally yesterday) the mic was working fine, so it's not the problem with mic). Running Windows 10, Realtek HD Audio.
Things I've tried:
* Automatically updating drivers through device manager (all were up to date)
* Manually updating the drivers
* Separate uninstalling Microphone driver and then let Windows automatically install driver on system startup.
* Disabling/enabling, muting/unmuting mic
* Checked front and back mic ports (all the same problem)
Question from DanielsBee : "Microphone plugged in, but not working on new pc [Realtek]"


I've searched whole net regarding this issue, asked on different forums, no luck.
Only thing I haven't yet tried is using any 3.5 jack to usb connector, like this one - https://www.i-tec-europe.eu/?t=3&v=372
Or even any other PCI or USB based audio cards.
Have you had any luck? And what motherboard do you have?
MSI z170a sli plus. I called MSI n it's the board. Homie doesn't want to wait a month for an RMA so we're gonna grab a USB or internal sound card later once we find a local place that has em and isn't sold out. If I were you, return the mobo if you just built the pc.

But I tried a fresh install of win 10 on pny ssd and a regular WD hdd installed the drivers from Realtek and MSI, neither worked.

Unfortunately, I've already missed my 14 days return policy. I would need to RMA it also, but I'm not up to waiting that long without a pc, so I guess I'll try getting a usb sound card which I linked in previous post.
Let me know when you have tried anything new or fixed it!

I had the same problem and in my case, my pc detected a headphone instead of a headset. To solve this, go to HD audio manager, microphone, right click the black circle at the right under analog, select connector retasking and select headset instead of headphone. This worked for me.


You had Realtek driver? Because I don't see such settings - http://image.prntscr.com/image/ae617839457c44d49f43a5db2a4ba75b.png
If it were, I'm sure I would have already checked it.