Windows added random shortcuts for internet explorer Edge to my desktop twice in the last week, which lead to a page that begs me to use Edge.
That kind of invasive, passive-aggressive, and desperate advertising makes me far, far less likely to use Edge. Combined with Windows 11's massive bloat, ugly inefficient UI, and general lack of basic functionality/configurability, I'm pretty much done with Microsoft's products in general.
If only Apple would stop charging an obscene $200 per 8GB of soldered-down memory and $200 for 256GB of SSD, then I might have considered finally giving them a try instead. It's not like I'm going to miss out on any good PC exclusive games within the next couple years.
Has anybody on earth figured out how to make a useable Linux GUI yet, or do you still have to waste time diving into terminals multiple times per day just to do basic tasks like the config file editing required to set up WiFi?