Microsoft Adding New Security Features to Accounts

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Glad Microsoft is taking this very seriously about protecting the accounts. Two factor authentication been around for years.

Pretty much this lol
This coming from a company that earlier screwed us by providing NSA with customer data! Yeh right, so now I am supposed to believe this extra security layer is not laying the foundations for more sophisticated backdoor access to user information. Sorry the damage is already done - I cannot trust large companies period. Until legislation is passed that criminalizes any pilfering of user date for any purpose, then this will just be nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Large companies can shove it where the sun does not shine - they already proved to us all the depths of depravity they are capable of.
This coming from a company that earlier screwed us by providing NSA with customer data! Yeh right, so now I am supposed to believe this extra security layer is not laying the foundations for more sophisticated backdoor access to user information. Sorry the damage is already done - I cannot trust large companies period. Until legislation is passed that criminalizes any pilfering of user date for any purpose, then this will just be nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Large companies can shove it where the sun does not shine - they already proved to us all the depths of depravity they are capable of.

The Government isn't going to criminalize an activity that benefits them.

These measures as being implemented as an attempt to keep those that aren't paying Microsoft for your information, from getting it. Large corporations like MS, Google, Apple, etc all get paid to hand over information to the Gov't so long as they file the reimbursement paperwork or a court order isn't involved.
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