Microsoft Adds (Yet) Another Way To Control Security Features In Windows 10

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was looking through this myself after the last insider update and though it seems to offer a lot of info, there is little that can actually be set through it. but that's par for the course with MS now.

as for when the creators update will go public, april sounds about right as there will be a large bug squash weekend coming soon for insiders to identify as many bugs and fixes as possible. forget the exact dates but it is soon and will cover 9 days to give us more time to play with the new features.
Sounds like nothing more than a UI update, while still refusing to give up any control of the OS to users. That's really all that users are clamoring for, but Microsoft does not believe that users should be trusted with their own pc's.

I wonder if the new security screen will be pestering users to drop their current AV for defender.
don't think it is a trust issue but a money one. they are making a ton of cash from all the data they are collecting and selling. they don't plan on giving that up anytime soon. they sat back and watched google and apple and the others make crazy money will selling data and decided to get a piece of that pie for themselves.

remember that over 90% of google's income is from selling the data they mine from just about everyone that uses the internet. facebook has gotten into it as well. you don't have to use either service for them to track you everywhere you go. but AOL is still the original and longest member of that club. they pioneered harvesting and selling of data. is why their is still an AOL today. they still own and manage a handful of ad services and data collectors all over the web.

but mostly you're right as it's just a UI update putting info from a number of places into one place for easy access. still won't let you control too much but if you know how, then you can control it all anyway. especially if you have pro version, group policy is still a strong and easy way to disable a lot of stuff
surphninja - there are already tons of options of controlling your OS if you are an advanced user. If you don't know how to customize your OS, MS is right not to allow you to fiddle around.
More smoke and mirrors. At the end of the free upgrade year, just one in eight Win 7 / 8 users eligible for the upgrade did so. It's spent thousands of hours trying to force the upgrade on users and subsequent efforts have focused on the illusion of control. This is essentially the software version of a hardware manufacturer adding LED Lighting to improve hardware performance.
i enabled god mode right away to find all the settings i wanted to get to. still use it for most everything as it puts all those settings MS have hidden all over the place all in one tidy folder.

was useful on win 7/8 and is even more useful now that they buried many settings even more than before. if you wish to tinker, this is a must to enable before anything else. easy to do, create a new folder and name it this random string of stuff and it'll magically convert to the god mode folder. google it. rather easy to fine if you're interested

Honestly looking into gpu pass through and running linux at the same time as windows just to have some control over what the os does. I like windows but If i cant turn telemetry or forced updates off, ill have to run linux in the background tro do it, maybe at some point I will actually like linux and not need to deal with ms'es suicidal bs anymore, but till then I need windows.
For the love of God MS please just detect the user's screen size and include detail accordingly. I have a huge 4k display now, and some of these Metro interfaces are so dumbed down it's as if they think I'm a "special needs" kid. Good, take all of the new data presented in the article and put in on one screen (if the user is on a desktop). I don't want to be poking around for a half our while you feed me the data I need with an eye dropper. Why is this not obvious?
hence the reason i use god mode. it is everything in front of you in one place. no hoops to jump through to find a setting and don't have to keep up with wherever MS decides to move them next in the GUI, the full list still stays full and does not care where else the setting is kept :)
no problem. i have used this since day one with win 10 and have to google where to find a setting when helping someone here on the forum. :)

never bothered to learn where they are all buried since i have them in one place. maybe i should just start advising folks to go GM and forget about the settings app and all the various buried settings.... hhmmmmmm
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