I'm sure the "Limited Edition 1 TB Forza Xbox One" is really cool but, Microsoft really needs to come out with a new upgraded model to fix the XB1 disaster. Adding a 1T HD and backwards compatibility is great but it still doesn't fix all the issues. The main problem is that Microsoft/XB did NOT focus on games but everything else instead. That's why the PS4 has double the sales of XB1 and now that Sony has just added the 1T HD and more efficiency, XB1 is back to square one again. They need to do far more than just these tiny band-aide software fixes.
Backwards compatibility for XB1 is just another cheap software emulator that isn't all that great. In fact, it would have been nice to hear that they were going to incorporate a hardware solution to backwards compatibility instead of just another half baked software emulator. This is the problem with the Xbone. They skimped on everything. I would have paid a little more for proper hardware solutions. Microsoft/XB has still not learned its lesson = to stop going so cheap on everything - that is why the PS4 has double the sales.
The original XB was state of the art and more advanced than PC's when it came out and it blew away PlayStation. THAT is what Microsoft/XB should've done with the XB1 because that's what many of us who were there from the very beginning expected - we've been very disappointed with the XB1 and still are.
There were several reasons to believe they'd come out with a new model at E3:
1. The rumors strongly implied a new model because it was badly needed.
Xbox One Slim Microsoft's Secret Weapon For E3 2015?
2. The PS4 has double the sales over XBox One leaving XB in the dust.
3. The PS4 has far more raw power and is in many ways the better console.
4. XB1 uses DDR3 memory while PS4 uses GDDR5 = much faster
5. PS4 has double the shaders than the XB1 = 1,152 vs 768 and 10% of that goes to kinect.
6. XB1 doesn't even play games in 1080
7. They fired Don Mattrick (man behind XB1) and eventually replaced him with Phil Spencer to fix the XB1 disaster
MS/XB did the bare minimum, which tells me MS/XB cares far more about money than making the better product. The long-time XBox fans who were there from the very beginning are still very dissatisfied with the XB1. Microsoft/XBox should've come out with a new model to win back all the fans that they've disappointed with the XBox One. They dropped the ball big time - AGAIN!!!
; )