photonboy :
Forcing you to go to the MS Store doesn't mean jumping to LINUX is a good idea. Linux is not perfect. Far from it. Lots of people just want a low-budget, second laptop for surfing, and light office usage etc. but are comfortable with the Windows interface and programs like Microsoft Office (i.e. teachers using MS Word).
I would never dream of giving my sister a Linux laptop because she couldn't use it, and has no time or desire to learn.
It's not that you have to go to the MS Store; it's that you can't play games on it. Mainstream Linux distros are very easy to use, and you can even get something like Mint that looks and feels very much like Windows.
I just installed Ubuntu on my 93 year old grandmother's computer after her hard drive failed and we found out that she had lost her Windows CD and all of the associated documentation. She only uses her computer for Email and web surfing anyway, so as long as she can open Chrome she's good to go. From what I'm reading in the article, this version of Windows serves a similar purpose.
Actually it's better now that she's on Linux because the user permissions system prevents her from borking the OS, as she always loved to do in Windows.