Microsoft Blames Smartphone Push Delay on Cyber Crime

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By Cyber Crime, are they referring to when M$ bought out DangerOs, and proceeded to crash the server on the change over? Considering the service was blasted for a month, All my "cloud" data lost(including contacts, which they later recovered and swapped names and numbers around!) and my device useless, Yea I would say that was criminal!!! I'm all for giving them a chance with Win 8, but will TREAD SLOWLY. I swapped the sidekick for a dash 3g, which was horrendous in its own right. Went to Android and have been happy since, hope that the new platform is better! Sorry to get off topic, but hey if their answer is from M$, why not?
[citation][nom]agnickolov[/nom]He's referring to the big security push within Microsoft to overhaul the Windows code base on more sound secure footing.[/citation]

Seems like a good thing to do.
Microsoft has been late to the game for pretty much everything. They are late to the smartphone market, they're late to the tablet market, and they'll be late for anything new on the horizon. It's just how they are, they don't innovate.
"I believe that Microsoft never lost its relevance. I always tell people we're almost 40 years old now, fighting against every venture-funded good idea on the planet in the world's most competitive industry, and we're still here, OK? So I ask, "Do you think that's just an accident?" I don't think so." he said.

??? - No words can express my feelings now...
Huh? Microsoft was so distracted by pirates that it failed to come up with an i-device before Apple did? That's what I took away from this story. I seem to recall that in reality Windows Mobile was targeted at business users, priced high at the time, and lacked the fun user experience that the latest iOS and Android devices embrace. Microsoft let that thing stagnate and was content to try and replicate the PC feeling on the phone. It was too clunky and stale to keep up with the innovations happening at Apple. Blaming pirates is a bogus excuse.
[citation][nom]rebel1280[/nom]From the article: "fighting against every venture-funded good idea on the planet"... just..![/citation]

Because ignoring them would be at best foolish. Lesson number one in business school is to keep an eye out for up and comers in your industry, see what they're doing, and be prepared to compete with them. Nothing really all that shocking about that statement really.

At any rate, MSFT made a classic mistake. They had a problem, rather than maintaining their focus and biting a bullet on cost to add more people to handle the security problems, they completely redirected all focus on security and all but abandoned work on anything else. I'm not faulting them for wanting to focus on security - that's obviously a good thing - but they way the divided their resources was bad, and they're paying for it.
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