Mario is a Nintendo staple icon. And I hope it remains that way. Would have been nice if Nintendo had the cajones to have really stayed in the running with Sony and Microsoft, but when instant big money is involved, ppl get greedy. Such was the case with 3dfx, the Voodoo cards were the best, if you could get the api drivers to work right, but with a little bit of cash changing hands and viola! Now it's basically amd vrs nvidia.
With competition comes innovation, and a demand for that innovation yesterday, not tomorrow. With Microsoft owning havok and directX, you basically eliminate any competition. Microsoft now has everyone by the shorthairs, either pay tribute to the King, or you loose access to the code or its upgrades. Without DX, nvidia gets screwed, without havok amd gets screwed.
Who would spend $500+ for a brand new gpu that only supports upto dx9.C?