Microsoft Buys Havok From Intel

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I believe we can admit that Nvidia should be worried.

Why, MS and nVidia have similar goals, Intel and nVidia on the other hand are both hardware makers.

I was going to say the exact same thing. Why? NVidia is a hardware provider.

If you mean gameworks and PhysX then still, why? Because those can be implemented into any game if a game dev desires it.
yay... here's hoping im proven wrong and the license it out and allow it on older direct X versions, but i see nothing good from this at all.

either microsoft will limit it to dx 12 only, or they will make it first party exclusive and console only...

would love to be proven wrong.
NVidia would only be worried if this somehow increased AMD GPU sales which seems incredibly unlikely.

As for PhysX, well if Havok got better it could make someone choose an AMD card instead since the NVidia PhysX checkbox could disappear.

Having said that, Havok physics has existed for a while now so unless NVidia does something great with it I don't think this will affect sales much of AMD vs NVidia.
yay... here's hoping im proven wrong and the license it out and allow it on older direct X versions, but i see nothing good from this at all.

either microsoft will limit it to dx 12 only, or they will make it first party exclusive and console only...

would love to be proven wrong.

There is no reason to expect they would. They didn't limit themselves to Intel architecture under that ownership and Microsoft is becoming very strongly a multi-platform company. If anything, I'd expect Microsoft to push for them to be the premier DX12 middleware with strong support for porting to non-DX platforms. This is still a win for MS because it encourages developers to originate on DX.

If Microsoft was looking for something to bolster their own products exclusively, Havok is exactly the wrong choice for that.
If this is a win for anyone, I suspect that it would be for AMD. With MS firmly in the middle between Intel and AMD, it'll mean better integration of havok software, AMD's goto pseudo physX. Between DX12 advancements and better access to havok, the new HBM vram etc, if AMD decides to follow their trend and keep prices down, nvidia might be in a little trouble,forcing price drops to remain competitive. Either way, we as a consumer win with this move.
according to me the HAVOK engine is by far the worst available in all the games I have played with it there are sooooo many issues with physics. WATCH_DOGS is a prime example.
Forza is amazing. Man i just wish MS could buy out Mario from Nintendo somehow.

So microsoft can destroy mario utterly? And take 30 years of a gaming icon with it?
No thanks.

I'd rather mario/fox/zelda etc... stayed with nintendo and not microsoft get it and turn it into mario: jumping evolved, now with a physically evolving mario, and grunts! (As DLC of course)
3ds Max used Havok for physical simulations for years. In 2011 with release of revolutionary 3ds Max 2012, one of the changes was that Autodesk dropped Havok support and added Mass FX- nvidia based simulator.

It's faster, easier to setup and works faster than real time with an average nvidia GPU. On paper both Havok and Mass FX are very similar, but it's nvidia's flex that takes it to the next level with smoke and fluid dynamics added to the mix of real time physical simulations- on top of rigid, soft bodies and cloth.
Mario is a Nintendo staple icon. And I hope it remains that way. Would have been nice if Nintendo had the cajones to have really stayed in the running with Sony and Microsoft, but when instant big money is involved, ppl get greedy. Such was the case with 3dfx, the Voodoo cards were the best, if you could get the api drivers to work right, but with a little bit of cash changing hands and viola! Now it's basically amd vrs nvidia.

With competition comes innovation, and a demand for that innovation yesterday, not tomorrow. With Microsoft owning havok and directX, you basically eliminate any competition. Microsoft now has everyone by the shorthairs, either pay tribute to the King, or you loose access to the code or its upgrades. Without DX, nvidia gets screwed, without havok amd gets screwed.

Who would spend $500+ for a brand new gpu that only supports upto dx9.C?
Lol over wccftech some people already singing the death of PhysX :lol:

Personally i don't anything changing with this. So will MS integrate Havok into DirectX and give us truly vendor neutral gpu acceleration ability? One thing to remember is physic engine is integrated into game engine and not 3D API. It has been like that for years. So i don't think that will change. If they change how that work i can see that will complicate certain things. Imagine if game physics 100% controlled by DirectX and game engine no longer have them.....what about other platform like linux? So the game engine cannot work on linux because there is no directx? So i don't think it will change much from what we habe today. Both Havok and PhysX will continue to be licensed by game developer. Some other just build in house solution like Crytek.
How are people up in arms about this? Microsoft doesn't screw up IPs, titles or exclusives. As a matter of fact, look at their track record. Sunset Overdrive, Halo, among other exclusives are top rated games.

I think you're mistaking MS for EA. Anyway, I would love to see some more attention to the Dragon Age series.
Noooooooooooo! Why was it Microsoft? Havok was crossplatform now its all lost.

MS has been working on providing eas[ier] cross platform software development for several years now. Visual Studio 2015 provides a minimum of hoops for multiple OSes.

Why do you think that MS acquiring Havok will go against it's established goals of several years? 😀

Well joking aside it can be good or bad. We just don't know yet. Whatever MS do there will be people that will not going to like what MS do. Personally i don't see things changing yet. Well who knows if this going to spark Sony interest to acquire their own physic engine? Haha.
Personally, I dont care.
Physx has been my standard for a long time and havok has been doing poorly for a very long time.
None of them are perfect, but nVidia is going towards the right direction.

AMD on the other hand seems to be working more on raw power with dx12/mantle/vulcan or whatever they call the next thing.

In terms of Microsoft? Very hard to gues at the moment.
Dont forget that Microsoft is one thing, their games department is another.
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