News Microsoft confirms recent Windows security update breaks VPNs, no fix yet

Zero-Trust security means no device is automatically trusted.

There are many enterprises which require VPN even when internal to an office.
This can be done with device filtering at the network layer and/or required provisioning software installed (MDM for example). None of the fortune 500 companies I've ever worked at required logging into VPN on site, they simply didn't allow a device to connect to the network if it was unregistered. Several of the companies I worked for wouldn't allow an unregistered device to work with VPN either.
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Bad news for those of us quick to click the "update" button

Of which there shouldn't be any except for those on the insider channel. Everyone else should be using the Pro version and delay updates for 30 days and upgrades for at least 90. For corporate users, IT should issue their own updates only after vetting them.
Its clearly a case of "might be some but certainly not all" as I can see the patch KB503693 installed on my corporate Win11 lappy. I am currently connected at home via VPN right now without any issues, so unless there is some problem, there is no need to go remove it. If its an enterprise device you probably wouldn't have perm's to remove it anyway. My .02cnts