Microsoft Ditched Plans to Reveal Surface Mini (Report)

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They need to really ditch Windows RT and start releasing a Surface model with intel bay trail processors. Lower cost bracket, more people will buy, and full Windows 8 OS.
I'm guessing they saw the benchmarks of K1 vs. 801/805. Since you're not after a modem in a tablet the best course of action is to go to the fastest GPU. They probably realize NV's gaming tablet coming shortly would steal all the sales. Better hurry AMD, get in on this new ARM gaming trend. There is a lot of money both companies can steal from Wintel here. There is certainly enough room for them in ARM's side as gpus take over modems.

As people start chasing mobile gaming, NV will start winning more stuff. We know NV is aiming to make ARM a gaming house (porting stuff now too). I expect many more NV wins based on GAMING as the modem fades in importance with caps. Who needs more speed if you only get 2GB which is not even a 720p movie? Welcome to the new world Qualcomm. They leapfrogged Broadcom though in wifi so I doubt they'll get hurt much by NV winning a bunch of tablets aimed more at gaming. Qcom's MU-MIMO is likely to be in my next router if someone doesn't topple it (3x faster, and multi user without the round robin crap etc that sends speeds into the toilet). I'll change my tune on the modem when Cellular goes UNLIMITED for all, but I doubt this will happen unless govt or google etc forces them via competition and that's years away if they ever get that done with all the money blocking competition.
Smart move on Microsoft's part. Surface 3 looks like an very exciting refresh from the previous version so a mini would just create mix feelings. So they need to focus on Surface 3 and see where it goes.
Surface 3 will flop like Surface 2, Surface 1, Microsoft powered smartphones, Microsoft phones, Microsoft MP3 players, etc, etc.

They do not get hardware except the XBOX, which oddly hasn't generated any sizeable profit for them and its been how many years?
Bet it comes with the infamous broken Wifi.

I'm actually surprised by this. The wifi is/was only a pain in the butt on enterprise networks, which know...Microsoft's territory. I think it was more of a Windows 8 thing than it was a Surface thing, though.
Surface 3 will flop like Surface 2, Surface 1, Microsoft powered smartphones, Microsoft phones, Microsoft MP3 players, etc, etc.

They do not get hardware except the XBOX, which oddly hasn't generated any sizeable profit for them and its been how many years?

Not a bright individual we have here.

Oh don't put yourself down, lots of people believe the MS fantasy.

Sizable profit? You mean have not generated anything but a $3B loss for MS (xbox360), and $4B+loss for Sony(ps3). You were being too generous, it's far worse than even you're saying.

And MS are the guys in the white hats, lol. MS has stolen more software and put more companies out of business then any other software company in history. They are EVIL! EVIL I TELL YOU EVIL!! LOL!
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