Microsoft Edge Flaw Allows Password Theft, Tweeting On Others’ Behalf

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Edge Razor of course.


Apparently, 606 mobile network operators in about 213 countries.

... and everybody whose phone says "E" instead of "3G" or "4G", though probably not out of their own free will.
I have to use Internet Explorer at work. Those with Windows 10 machines have to use Edge. It's the only browser my company supports, so we don't really have a choice. If we want to get work done and minimize risk of failure on tasks, we have to use IE/Edge. I'm sure my company is far from the only one. It's like the Office suite. Yeah, there are free and open-source alternatives, but if you want to get work done without the risk of compatibility problems, you just use Office.

That said, I also have Chrome installed for my own personal browsing at work, because IE/Edge are miserable. But, if it's work, I gotta use IE/Edge.
IDK everybody hates on Edge but I gave it a fair shot and it isn't bad. Just doesn't do what I want it to do.

My question is, why isn't Chrome vulnerable to this? It autofills usernames/passwords as well, sometimes in the wrong area.
I actually started using Edge more after creators update. I've used Chrome for years, and slowly phasing it out, it has become slow (relatively), drains my battery faster, so I've been getting disenchanted with it.

I like Edge, and its new features. It is no perfect, and it still needs better extension support, but it has gone a long way. Hopefully MS can make it a store app so it could be updated faster and not just twice a year. We will see, but just don't dismiss it outright. It is very promising. This is not the dreaded IE.
I don't recommend autofill for anything. Ultimately it makes you lazy and forget your username/passwords.

I've had a number of security related issues with Edge. This only continues to remind me not to use it. I keep saying that MS need to slow down with their build/upgrade process and just finish fixing what they have first.
you have internet explorer 11 with windows 10, load edge, top right ... <- click on that and look down the menu and you will see load with internet explorer
then right click on the IE icon on toolbar, and pin it to toolbar, voila., close edge, use explorer instead.
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