Question Microsoft Edge will not open


Sep 30, 2019
Hi all, as above, I have the weirdest issue, in that Microsoft Edge will NOT open It throws an error "ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED". All other browsers work without issue.
So far, it seems to be ONLY tomshardware that is giving me this error.
I am using Firefox currently.
Anyone have ANY clue why Edge is being an idiot browser?
No, not using a VPN at all. Besides, as stated above this ONLY happens with Microsoft Edge, no other browser. So, a website blocking access to known VPN addresses would affect ALL browser, no so?
Well, you're connecting through a server that identifies itself as a mail server, so something's up.
That is the hostname of my IPFire firewall. I use that for all my connections and browsing, so again I ask, why ONLY Edge, why not Firefox, if that IS indeed the cause?
If absolutely everything else checks out then you're looking at a probable misconfiguration on your network involving Edge.
Well, I just did a check on my firewall logs as to what might be happening with Edge and found something very interesting. Edge seems to want to go through IP (albeit only for so far) and when I look that IP up I get this result:
So for some unknown reason, it seems Edge is trying to use some VPN or proxy, one that is definitely NOT set up on my firewall. I will go ask this question in the IPFire community to see what they say and will revert back here once I have an answer or clarification. Thank you.
Look in Task Manager > Startup and also in Task Scheduler for some unexpected or unknown app being launched at start or perhaps triggered when Edge is opened.

= = = =

Open Edge - delve deeper.

OK, found a kind of a “workaround” for now, I have added and to the URL Filter Custom Whitelist of IPFire and enabled it and now the website is coming up.
Thank you to all who responded.
It's always better to fix the actual problem than to apply mere bandaids. The next update/upgrade to either side may break your "fixes" again, setting you right back to square 1.
It's always better to fix the actual problem than to apply mere bandaids. The next update/upgrade to either side may break your "fixes" again, setting you right back to square 1.
I understand that, that is why I said in my last post "for now". I am busy investigating the issue with the IPfire forum.