Very interesting tech. I like the idea of being able to extend the view beyond the screen.
I don't know how practical it would be in most living rooms since it relies on a projector.
It is interesting that they are continuing development on this. I remember seeing it last year and thinking it was a neat idea, but that they would never end up doing anything with it... but if they are still working on it a year out then perhaps we may see some illumiroom tech show up in the next few years?
Also, love the Altoids tin they used to house their converter on the controller lol.
I'm definitely looking forward to Illumiroom. It seems more practical than the Oculus Rift, and hopefully will cost less too. The Rift is cool, but I get the feeling based on previous experience that having screens that close to my eyes would give me a headache, as I'm very prone to headaches.