Microsoft Hints Next Xbox Reveal Date; CPU Rumors Emerge

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let me make a wild guess, it will have some form of AMD's APU + HD 87XX and 8 GB of RAM?

i say HD 87xx since during the last release, the graphics that came out with the console was of the same generation as that of the PC approximately and X7XX are the cheaper and deliver decent performance.

But if it is going to be in the 299.99 price range, i think they are going for the HD 7XXX and coupling it with APU's in crossfire???
Seems like i remember a short supply with every shipment from the actual boat being dated. I resorted to kmart to find one after seeing the golf game at a friends house. I would say since i built a gaming cpu last year i could skip or delay this round of consoles but EA wont put madden or tw golf on pc (properly).
Really hope people stop getting their hopes up. Its just like yesterday that rumors of a 16 core super CPU were out (which were absolutely ridiculous anyhow). I think I'm asking for too much myself, but hopefully this one will be built to actually last at least 10 years. Failure rates of the 360 are far too high irregardless, and I think it's pitiful what MS is doing.

I am looking forward to a surge of DirectX 11 and higher texture games though for PC!!! 😀
If they don't get a new console out in 2013, they are screwed. Wii U for the win!

Seriously though, I would love to see next gen consoles delayed until 2014 and PC games finally get all the focus.
I hope Microsoft goes with Nvidia with the next Xbox to compete with Sony's AMD chips. That would make them very unique (which is what both systems are lacking now). But I don't know, I guess it will depend on what the developers are willing to develop their games on...or maybe they will adjust.
@beardguy PC's will never be the main focus anymore. Way too much money in the Console/Mobile market now. Why make a game for PCs that have greatly varied configurations (which you will need to spend more time troubleshooting) when you can just base it off one or maybe two different preconfigured systems(consoles) that you can spend way less time developing and make way more money on (console game prices are higher than PC games).

I can only hope that with the next gen consoles, the upgrades will be so dramatic with the GPU/CPU, that we can have much better quality looking games for our PCs.

Yeah, I totally understand the benefits of working within a closed set of system specs (consoles). And sadly, there is more money to be made overall with developing console games. I still yearn for the day when PC can be king again and we can start seeing progress in games like the good old days when PC hardware was evolving at a rapid rate and games were as well.

I realize this is unlikely at this point in time though. It will be extremely good to finally see the roadblock of ancient console hardware removed with the next gen of consoles. Finally we can see some outstanding looking games that push the boundaries to the next level.

When it comes to the tablet and mobile market. I don't think either will impact console/PC home gaming at all. Mobile gaming is booming because smart phones are selling like hot cakes and it's super convenient to just download games on a device you already need and have. All these "experts" who say mobile/tablet gaming is the way of the future are imbeciles imho. They are only looking at trends and sales to subjectively determine where they think the market is going, when there are many more factors involved. Tablet and mobile gaming only fill a small void for gaming and are just small bi-products of already popular devices.

There's this crazy number floating around that the SoC will be 600mm2, which is why they are having yield issues. That seems pretty crazy to me to go that big, but if it's the CPU + GPU and everything else in one SoC rather than separate chips it may be the case.
[citation][nom]beardguy[/nom] Seriously though, I would love to see next gen consoles delayed until 2014 and PC games finally get all the focus.[/citation]

Consoles advancing is good for PCs too. Most games are built around the limitations of consoles.
While my PS3s and Xbox are working just fine, the graphics jump to relatively modern hardware should be fairly stunning. As a lifelong PC gamer, I am honestly impressed every year in the quality of new games on consoles. Console devs are masters of squeezing performance out of the old hardware and each year are able to - seemingly by magic - up the ante. Give this next generation of consoles a development cycle or two and I imagine the games will be incredible. Better than a PC? Obviously not, but with the processing power likely installed in the new consoles, the gap between PCs and consoles should not grow as rapidly as it has in the past.

My main interest is whether or not the Xbox will have bluray as that was my primary reason for the PS3s... Well, that and Uncharted. Perhaps I will be able to have just one or the other this time around.'s going to run on a quad core arm cpu or intel ivy bridge with close-looped liquid cooling. 😛

the graphics will be powervr or mali gpu. :)
[citation][nom]notsleep[/nom]'s going to run on a quad core arm cpu or intel ivy bridge with close-looped liquid cooling. the graphics will be powervr or mali gpu.[/citation]

A quad core ARM processor would be weaker than the triple core PowerPC processor they have in the 360. They are not going ARM unless its to subsidize the normal CPU by running background operating system level tasks. Plus they'd lose compatibility with 360 games instantly without major work to fix. PowerVR lol come on now. Stop taking this mobile tech crap and drinking the kool-aid that it's going to take over every market. Just silly.
[citation][nom]Parsian[/nom]let me make a wild guess, it will have some form of AMD's APU + HD 87XX and 8 GB of RAM?i say HD 87xx since during the last release, the graphics that came out with the console was of the same generation as that of the PC approximately and X7XX are the cheaper and deliver decent performance.But if it is going to be in the 299.99 price range, i think they are going for the HD 7XXX and coupling it with APU's in crossfire???[/citation]
I doubt it will have such a strong GPU. The PS4 is strongly rumored to have a HD 6770 based GPU with performance similar to the HD 7770. I'd expect similar for the XBOX. Also, since the SoC went into production at the end of 2012, it won't have a non-existent HD 8xxx GPU.
[citation][nom]Parsian[/nom]let me make a wild guess, it will have some form of AMD's APU + HD 87XX and 8 GB of RAM?i say HD 87xx since during the last release, the graphics that came out with the console was of the same generation as that of the PC approximately and X7XX are the cheaper and deliver decent performance.But if it is going to be in the 299.99 price range, i think they are going for the HD 7XXX and coupling it with APU's in crossfire???[/citation]
I remember a "leaked" slide that pointed to a custom AMD APU and HD 7xxx. Don't remember RAM and all, but i thnk it was 4GB. Can't remember the site i saw that on.
I just dont see how consoles is worth it now days. I mean yes they have good games and you can play online with your friends and rock out thats cool but to spend 300-400+ on a meh machine? The people that buy it and that are hardcore pc gamers will end up letting the console collect dust or selling it. I had the xbox 360 but after really learning pc gaming that did it for me and i dont miss consoles 1 bit. I mean theres a few titles i cant play thats always the downfall but theres pros about pc gaming that makes up for the cons.
I bought a 360 Black around 6 years ago since my good friend was buying a 360 I decided why not I'll get one too - well I rarely played it and I actually used it as a media center more than anything by extending movies I had on my computer over to it until it got the red ring of death. Funny thing was it was still under warranty since Microsoft extended it due to it being a common problem but I didn't even bother sending it in and tossed it in the trash. Sorry but I'll stick to my PC gaming it's a far superior platform although it's very unfortunate that most developers cater to consoles more nowadays.
It is going to have to support 4K resolution. 1080p is done and aging. So as long as Microsoft is planning giving the horse power to be able to push high end games at 4k 3840x2160 and the 2nd resolution is 4096x2160. That's a lot of pixels and if going to use a amd 8700series or 8800 I don't see that happening. Games will look amazing if this will happen. I have seen a 4k tv with a just a 1080p upscale and it looked good. If they can get a 4k res then we will finally get pc games that or designed not just for the xbox and ps3 but for a pc with triple monitors and just high res monitors.
[citation][nom]BigMack70[/nom]I just want to get off this current gen of consoles so that graphics can finally stop being constrained to running on 7 year old hardware...[/citation]

Also the terrible performance of terrible looking games.
Though I do expect Microsoft to put in some sort of AMD APU + GPU combination, whatever they do, they better make it a little more future proof than the Xbox 360' hardware, that was just a major fail.
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