Microsoft Introduces Cross-Buy Feature With Xbox Play Anywhere

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This could get really exciting. Xbox One and Windows 10 Store going head to head with the PS4 and Steam. It really could be a win/win for the PC crowd. PS4 could also release a game streaming app to maintain exclusivity in the sense that the best experience is still found on the console, while you can get a taste on PC.
The Cross-Buy is not new. Unfortunately the UWP implementation has been pretty poor so far. Windows 10 UWP only. Maybe it will get better but I still wish these titles were available on Steam instead.
No thanks...don't need <mod edit> Windows 10, let alone <mod edit> XBOX.

<Watch your language in these forums>

Well so far the only cross-buy I have seen involved buying it via the Xbox Store then getting a code for the windows store, but in the future I imagine you could do it the other way around.

Well at this point PC gaming is not leaving the MS ecosystem anytime soon so you can hang on to Windows 7 or whatever but eventually you are going to feel pretty behind the times as DX12, UWP exclusives (hopefully UWP will stop sucking soon) and other Windows 10 advantages appear down the road. There will be a tipping point where the vast majority of systems will be Windows 10 and support for older operating systems will be a lower priority for drivers and developers.
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