Microsoft keyboard's quality?

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Apr 20, 2013
Is it common that Microsoft keyboard lasts only 2-3 years before some problems appear?
This is my second Microsoft keyboard which was bought in mid 2018, now problem comes up again,
one of the shift key doesn't work.
My first Microsoft keyboard was wired, last 2 years before the caps lock doesn't work.
Both keyboards never dropped from height or any liquid was spilled onto them....
Back when low end keyboards cost upwards of $100-200 they were built with quality components and could last for decades. I still have a Northgate keyboard that's over 40 years old and still works as well as it did when it was new. Of course it cost well north of $200 at the time. These days keyboards are considered a throwaway item and are built accordingly. So yes, it is very common for a keyboard to last only 2 or 3 years.
I had a Sidewinder keyboard that was who knows how old. It was a really good keyboard for me. The only thing that failed was one key, totally my fault as I hit it with something and luckily not a critical key. I tried to clean it as years of munchie crumbs and such had built up on and within it. I followed some advice to wash it soap/water and unfortunately did not wait long enough for it to completely dry, even though it was taken apart. A small amount of water caused it to burn a trace.
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