Some people make me laugh, unfortunately an electronic device that does something similar and a code are not the same thing. How much coincidence do you think there is for 2 companies to create the same code (or write the same thing) and call it the same thing (XML) I'm sorry but no matter how you put it and say that i4i is was just waiting for something to vaguely copy it, just does not cut it here. Especially when Microsoft states in the letter, they had previously met with i4i and told them that their product was going to make theirs obsolete and well your product may be good just for XP. LOL I mean with threats like that, who the heck would not sue? I don't really want to pick sides, but there is no way they came up with the same coding and so happens to call it the same thing. Even electronics that do similar things are called differently and are some how build a bit different, they just accomplish the same thing. Coding that is compatible with each other pretty much needs to be written the same way or written with the other one in mind, because no matter how you look at it XML is XML and run it on i4i or Microsoft product it's the same thing. Also it is not the first time Microsoft as been called out on this, a little to many times, plus also slapped in the hand for monopoly in the past, nothing new.
Also some people may want to watch Pirates of Silicon Valley, This is just how Microsoft started as a company, and Apple, big pirates both of them, with such memorable quotes has "Good artists copy, great artists steal." LOL