Microsoft Pledges to Protect Your Data From Snooping

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What about holding the government accountable for such privacy invasion acts? Shouldn't their be some congressmen going to jail.... err house arrest in their mansion? Just saying...
they 1st thing microsoft do when they found a window system bug is share it with their goverment,only then they started to fix the is full of crap.
I highly doubt that they want to protect you. In the documents that snowden leaked it shows Microsoft and skype (which is a branch of microsoft) a provider of intel ever since 2007.

there's very little a company can do about their own government, especially the US government. even the UN can't stop it so yeah...
lol...Anyone who believes this is a fool. The world is now in need of open decentralized services. That is the future of cloud computing and IT services. Never again can a corporation be trusted with your data!
great now they are going to release their cloud data crap. They are saying that they are safe so we feal safe with them having our data.

Actions speak louder than words... I would like it if they would keep selling windows 7

what should happen and what will happen are very different things. the US federal government has been slowly disarming us with emotional-driven gun control while feeding the military-industrial-complex, and they own the prison system and regulate our incomes. the candidates on the ballot sheet are all bought and paid for by the time we get a chance to vote. there is no way of holding the government accountable.
It doesn't matter how much encryption they use when MS willingly hands the keys over to the feds, meanwhile the government can keep turning a blind eye to the monopolization that prevents people from having other choices. No MS hate here, every major corp follows this. Google, Apple, Verizon, Ma Bell, whoever they need on board.

There's a way to hold the government accountable, US citizens are just not capable of using it. A good chunk of our population has been brainwashed into thinking that patriotism means always agreeing with Uncle Sam and to go against the status quo is terrorism. Many whine about how the government treats them, but they're afraid to take a day off work and protest it. Many complain about their work conditions, but when it comes time to strike they don't follow through. Fighting the power actually means fighting, not signing a petition and going back to your life.
Tolham there is a way to hold the government accountable; it is called Common Law County Grand Juries in all 3141 counties in U.S.A. Presently there are none, but they are forming NY state and other place according to a plan put forth at which is a huge training site for County Grand Jurors of which it takes 25 to convene. Chief Justice Scalia says they still exist and can be resurrected. So let's get busy and quit saying what CAN'T be done.
Whoah, whoah, whoah!! Stop the Presses!!! Microsoft pledges to protect SOMETHING!?!?!? I suppose we don't need antivirus, antimalware, a registry cleaner nor PC optimizer, then.
I am less bothered about Government intrusion than I am about private companies selling my data for advertising. The various Governments of the world have been spying on the population since the 1950's, but I seriously doubt Hoover's G-Men sold your data on so you could get junkmail about penis-pills. So if Microsoft's promise is to stick something in the OS to stop Google from mining my browsing habits I could seriously care less if the Government knows what porn sites I fap to.

I am sorry but that blog just screams conspiracy theorist. And the comments just show the kind of people it tends to draw, people who think everything in this world is due to the government and they do all the bad stuff to control us.

Because no one has ever wanted to kill someone else over ideals.... Except pretty much everyone.

That's the problem. People don't realize that with or without Microsofts help, the government will find ways to get your info. They will find bugs and back doors etc.

Its Google and the like you have to worry about because to them, nothing of yours is private. You sent a copy of your therapy sessions via GMail? Its theirs now and thanks for the new source of advertising.

It's a sad world we live in when every person is seen as a big walking, talking money symbol.
"The company is taking steps to ensure governments use a legal process rather than technological brute force to access customer data."

uh hello back door in windows 95+ hello back door in intel cpus along with cpu id in pentium3 and on, hello back door in all communication devices since pot smoker slippery willy clinton and mr ' i invented the internet' al gore.

the promise was already broken before the thought of that utterance was even formed despite legal rights to refuse and deny the american government.

no doubt they will still capitulate any one and every ones info to china, russia, u.k., france, saudi, iran and all the rest as they have always done as per condition of doing business in their respective countries.

there's a sucker born every minute and a fool and his money are soon parted, do your best to make sure it's not you!
This is just so much marketing nonsense---NSA will do what they want to do--period!

You must be naive if you think any Government will make it hard for themselves to snoop.
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