Microsoft Pulls 'Sexist' Mad Libs-style Xbox One Campaign

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47% is much higher than it used to be.

But welcome to the modern world. No campaign can truly cater to everyone. Like Dr Pepper 10s campaign saying its the manliest diet soda, meaning all others are feminine.

Again, welcome to the modern world where you have to make sure your advertisement has people that look like blank, colorless, sexless slates or you might offend someone. Then again that might offend someone still.
Political correctness permeates everything. Who knew that asking your wife permission to buy something was misogynistic.

I asked my wife, who does Knit and game, if I could get the R9 290X last month. (She said no, my 7970 is enough) Little did I realize I was sexist.

M$ shouldn't apologize for trying to have a little sense of humor.
People are so overly sensitive about everything. I hope you don't decide or dance or knit, ladies, because you'll become a part of the problem! and obviously it's not sexist to imply that knitting and dancing are something only women would do. Why can't it be viewed as a normal activity? If the letter was a wife writing to her husband that he would knit or dance or whatever the hell else, where would the sexism be then?

It's a joke that everyone's primed and ready to jump on every little thing. Sexism is a real issue, and this trivial BS just makes people look silly and clouds the honest issues that actually exist.
You can't say anything without some liberal jerk being offended by it. I suppose with women though, that you can't expect them to have the same thick skin as a man.
who cares if someone was offended? jesus people are so damn sensitive these days. Grow some thicker skin and vote with your wallet, or shut the @#$% up.

I am in the same boat. Although for my PC I don't ask as much as its my only hobby (aside from comics but I don't buy much) that I put a lot of money into.

My wife games and does know how to knit. But I ask her for most everything.

I guess people don't realize that wives tend to be the final word more often than not.
I find the 47% number sort of odd. Is that including everything from Crysis 3 to Candy Crush? I know a ton of girls/women that play casual games on the iPhone and iPad, my wife included, but none of them consider themselves gamers and neither do I. If the games stopped working tomorrow, they couldn't care less. She would probably chuckle at the commercial since it is somewhat true. However, I guess nobody can have any fun anymore with women being a protected class, at least in any instance where a comparison with men is drawn. Now, if the ad was flipped and promoting female users with a little humor at men's expense (even to the point of actually being offensive), there would not be so much as a peep about it. I guess that describes most sit-coms on TV these days...the attractive smart wife with the obese buffoon of a husband.

There have been multiple articles on Yahoo Finance about the "middle aged white male problem" tech companies' boards have. Can you imagine the media uproar if someone wrote an article about the NBA's "young black man problem" or nursing's "woman problem"? The media loves race-/gender-baiting everyone to boost ratings, even at the expense of society.
Took to twitter to announce their being upset made me LOL pretty hardcore. First World Problems, FML. If you don't hit every demographic with every marketing campaign it'll always be considered sexist, racist, biased. People need to stop being such pussys and get over it. They should just follow up with one for women and say their SO's are working on their "hot rod" or getting back from their "fight club". I know quite a few women that hate video games and love to knit (that aren't geriatric). Are these women "Taking to twitter" suggesting those women do not exist? You can be apart of the sex and still be sexist.

47% is stretched to include social networking games. Which I find is outrageous to see the feminists trying to use these stats on improper demographics.
Those feminist idiots need to get a life. They make it seem like women actually feel like they do, it's insulting. NOTHING MS did there was wrong or offensive.... it's these feminist lezbos that are offensive.

Wow, way to go. Did you make sure to purchase her a new apron and vacuum cleaner for her birthday?!!?
Your post made me Lol.

This, all day, everyday.
The issue here isn't just about this particular piece of advertising, is about Microsoft's general attitude towards everything. They attack everyone left and right in ways that wreak of desperation. From scroogled to the iPad ads to the Bing Challenge. Just make a good product and let it speak for itself. Don't try to convince people what they need or want. If a product or service is that good, it will sell.
How could it be sexist? Its a joke but logically there are three main scenarios here, and none of them apply to most women.

1. Your wife/SO is a gamer and so are you. You/she doesn't need any help with the convincing.
2. Your wife/SO is not a gamer and you are. You need help convincing her that its ok to waste money on a toy.
3. Your wife/SO is a gamer and you are not. And they have much better ways of convincing you just like always and don't need a stupid madlib.

No, that was not sexist, but, it's alarming that you married your mom.
"In fact, according to the ESA's data, women 18 or older represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population than boys under 17."

Why is this written as if it would be anything other than obvious? The total number of women aged eighteen and older is no doubt much larger than that of boys aged under seventeen.

In other words per that statement we have women aged 18 to 75 plus vs. boys aged 0 to 17.....
Of course there are more women gamers in that wide spread of ages vs. boys in that narrow band.
"2. Your wife/SO is not a gamer and you are. You need help convincing her that its ok to waste money on a toy."

A better strategy is for the guy to locate her purse and retrieve his balls. Unless she's supporting you financially or you won't have money left for groceries, anyone in a normal relationship can go ahead and TELL their partner that they are buying a toy rather than ASK for permission. Maybe if the toy is a new car you should discuss it, but not so much a $500 game box.
They should have let Andrew Dice Clay write it. Then they may have had something to beeatch about. But it's not sexist if Mylie twerks her skinny bacon butt on prime TV whilst poking herself with a foam finger.

Having a good product while facing stiff competition is not always the way to win, sometimes you need good marketing. Why did Apples iPod win out against superior devices such as the Creative Labs Zen Blaster (which had a GUI on it well before the iPod)? Because Apple marketed it like no other. I remember all of the iPod commercials but I never saw a Zen Blaster commercial. I remember the product because I am a computer nerd and have always loved Creatives sound cards but the majority of people though, and some still do to this day, that the iPod was the only portable music player out there.

I don't care for the scroogled ones, although I think they are pretty spot on since as of recent my spam has increased on my GMail but I am liking the Surface marketing commercials because it pits the Surface against a iPad and shows what it can do, even without Siri, and why its better.

That's good marketing.

As for Xbox, if Microsoft didn't have a good product the 360 wouldn't have outsold the PS3 like it did and the XB1 would have done worse than it did this black Friday. Hell the 360 had the same amount of sales as the PS3 and PS4 combined this black Friday.
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