First I would like to state that I enjoy using Windows and am thankful fo rhte advances it has brought to all our livesin the last 30 years. Right now, we own a 15 yr old Compaq Presario 4716 running Win95, Win98, & Mandrake 6 (my 11 & 14 yr old children use it for research, school & surfing). The Compaq is networked to a 9 year old Sony Vaio PCV-RX581 running XP Home, Xp Pro & Linux(Thye use it as well for same things plus some games. I resurrected both PC's( definitely non-functional at the time) from a divorce sale(more like throw-away)! After 8 years on Dial-Up my monopolistic ISP provider: Comporium, (absolutely the only place we could get internet service from in this part of the county).... finally dropped the price for high speed service(7 Mbps x 512 Kbps)! They went from $60mo to $29.95mo. We Ya no,, Weez po folks... we can onlee ahfort 1 sofa on ah frunt poach! Seriously, We may soon have to drop that ISP alltogether cause both of our 20 year old cars have died, I'm not well enuf to keep them repaired anymore so, we had to get a car payment for the first time in 17 years!
~Un jetz,, If MS wants to get people to switch To IE9.. w/WIN7 from WIN_XP(which can use about any browser but IE9), ,, why not treat Win7 as fundamentally an XP update and/or Vista update(more like warranty replacement).... drop the price to $19.95 or less per PC!! Ol'Bill could just let the bean counters work out those kind of details! However, if he's smart..he would forget about profit for just a little while(by crackie, he is a billionaire!!) and do it out of the generosity and kindness of his heart! Make sure the employees at MS get paid for sure but, base the final cost on shipping/handling for the CD/DVD or bandwidth/handling for a download!!! Call it An act of good-will to the citizens of the world who have made Bill & Melinda extremely wealthy (which is a good thing!) Wealthy by selling(with all due respect) "developed on the fly", long time comin final version operating systems(no lecture on the dynamics of software developement,pleeeease!).. We have all kinda been "guinea pigs" for the last 12 years!! Not only would Win 7 take over market share,, in a matter of weeks, Bill would single-handedly jump start... dare I say "save" the economy(at least in the tech & chinese take-out sector). Just think ofall the new PC's that would be sold and built to run the new "most used" OS in the world!! Oh well,,,, a guy can dream can't he? Dream Hell!! This could be the most greatest marketing idea since Coca Cola successfully pulled its new/old formula stunt over 30 years ago!!?? LISTEN UP MICROSOFT!! UH.. BILL,,, I really wasn't kidding about being poor(my failing health, foreclosure, etc..) Thank God for rice, beans, Aldi mac&cheese and mobile homes) any breadcrumbs you could throw my way for giving you the idea would be gratefully appreciated!! Garret