[citation][nom]eddieroolz[/nom]You know, you'll do a favor to the world by just going back to your OS X world and just shutting up there.Just because someone says that Vista was great for them, does not make them a fanboy. By the way, if you haven't noticed, this is a computer enthusiast site - and that does not include Apple. So do us all a favor by getting outta here. Thanks, and have a nice day.[/citation]
Overall I agree with you, but this site is for apple fanatics too, but real apple fanatics wouldn't find this site very good as it isn't as fanatical and naive about apple taxed hard and software as apple exclusive sites.
Anyway, vista is great. For some people. I've had vista for 2 years now. It hasn't always been kind to me, but we've become friends anyway. Last summer I had XP for a few months (my vista 64 dvd didn't work) and although xp didn't fail me, there was just something missing. Compare xp with a girlfriend ... nice, works, but there's just something missing that your wife has and the girlfriend not..