Microsoft Shares Drop With Talk of Mulally Staying with Ford

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will m$ die already... if it wasn't for DirectX being needed for gaming i would love to switch to linux only and leave windows to the history books, to expensive and buggy to be worth bothering with (much like what needs to happen to mac, forget it and go open source)
I run dual boot, but i will say there are somethings that work easier in Windows... Like Plex and reading movies from a seperate drive... its alot easier in windows

I think Microsoft still has a lot of life left in them. What all these silly consumers on here don't realize is that Microsoft is huge in the corporate world and even if their consumer end fails, they still will function as an enterprise provider.
I think Mulally would have been the best choice. I really think its time Microsoft stopped playing with gimmicks (Metro) and got back to there core business. Maybe I am being narrow minded but at this point in the game I think they be better off focusing on just the Window's OS. My thinking is simply this pc operating systems are always going to be around there never ever going to be a 100% cloud based system because internet technology is not there yet. I personally don't see it being there for at least another 20years if not longer. The only way a cloud system would work is if the broadband company's started upgrading there network's and system's. Also the service would need to be more far spread and stable. That said why not focus on the OS market that you know is going to be around, stable, and you have a giant foot print in. Instead of butting heads and trying to wiggle your self into a tight market dominated by Apple and Google.

It makes me laugh, all these Open Source fools. Your Linux, and Open Source crap just doesn't cut it in the Corporate world. You want to talk about buggy? Try getting different flavours of Linux to work together perfectly over different hardware platforms, over WANs, and geo-dispersed LANs. Linux is a great HOBBY OS, and I use it as well as Mac OSX at home. But for work, 90% of the heavy lifting is done on the Microsoft platform. As for Microsoft dieing in the near future. Just a *nix Fanboi's pipedreem. Much like "The Year of the Linxux Desktop" which is an ongoing joke FROM OUR UNIX ADMINS TO BOOT!
well, thats a bummer. but at least he stays with ford and keeps expanding that company. If they sign Elop, theres just no hope for MS.
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