News Microsoft shelves its underwater data center — Project Natick had fewer server failures compared to servers on land


Sounds like we're safe from boiling the oceans for just a little bit longer, but I think this idea probably has enough attractive elements that it's going to come back. China has taken to it, and there are others besides Microsoft that could take it up.

Actually, one interesting possibility would be if you could combine a coastal datacenter with a desalinization plant. Maybe use the datacenter's cooling system to evaporate large amounts of sea water? Then, use more seawater to re-condense it. They could use solar and offshore wind as supplementary power sources. The heated effluent might be usable for aquaculture applications.
This was an interesting concept but as always feasibility has to come into play which I assume is why we haven't had a ton of companies trying to jump on the bandwagon.
Actually, one interesting possibility would be if you could combine a coastal datacenter with a desalinization plant. Maybe use the datacenter's cooling system to evaporate large amounts of sea water? Then, use more seawater to re-condense it. They could use solar and offshore wind as supplementary power sources. The heated effluent might be usable for aquaculture applications.
This is a fantastic point and realistically the way it should be approached to minimize waste.

Reminds me of farms where they were installing solar panels and chose to do it over irrigation channels which ended up not only generating electricity, but lowering evaporation.
Jun 23, 2024
Actually, one interesting possibility would be if you could combine a coastal datacenter with a desalinization plant. Maybe use the datacenter's cooling system to evaporate large amounts of sea water? Then, use more seawater to re-condense it. They could use solar and offshore wind as supplementary power sources. The heated effluent might be usable for aquaculture applications.
This is a common practice, but not that extreme. Many data centers use 'heat pumps' for their cooling systems. In most cases, the waste heat isn't hot enough with synthetic refrigerants to boil water. However with the increase of more natural refrigerants in data centers, they are able to provide near boiling water temperatures and in some cases, steam.
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The company only lost six of the 855 submerged servers versus the eight servers that needed replacement (from the total of 135) on the parallel experiment Microsoft ran on land. It equates to a 0.7% loss in the sea versus 5.9% on land....

...The company said that the primary reason for this longevity is seawater’s temperature stability and the inert nitrogen gas used to protect the servers.

You can't really compare the reliability of the on-land experiment with the under-sea one when they were clearly using different setups. Did being underwater have anything to do with the difference in failures whatsoever? Or was it just the fact that they knew the hardware was going to be more difficult to access in the event of a failure, so they built in additional redundancy and other protective measures? Was the server hardware itself even similar, and did both sets of servers see a similar amount of load on that hardware? None of this is answered here, though at the very least we know that one set of hardware was in a sealed nitrogen environment, while the other was likely just in regular air.

Most importantly, I suspect the underwater servers were found to simply not be cost effective, hence why the project is getting scrapped. Even if being underwater had anything to do with increasing reliability or reducing server operating costs, it doesn't matter if the cost to build, install and retrieve these underwater server systems more than negates those savings. If it actually provided some tangible benefits deemed to be worth the increased cost, you would have seen them expanding on the concept, not scrapping it after a decade.


You can't really compare the reliability of the on-land experiment with the under-sea one when they were clearly using different setups.
If the on-land setup was intended as a control, then it probably was comparable in their minds. Even if that meant using different hardware, if the hardware differences were deemed necessary for underwater deployment, then I'd still expect they would regard it as a valid control.

Did being underwater have anything to do with the difference in failures whatsoever? Or was it just the fact that they knew the hardware was going to be more difficult to access in the event of a failure, so they built in additional redundancy and other protective measures?
Good questions. I'm sure they considered these factors, but I doubt they published a detailed breakdown.

Was the server hardware itself even similar, and did both sets of servers see a similar amount of load on that hardware?
The hardware shouldn't be more different than necessary, if the on-land deployment was intended as a control.

Most importantly, I suspect the underwater servers were found to simply not be cost effective, hence why the project is getting scrapped. Even if being underwater had anything to do with increasing reliability or reducing server operating costs, it doesn't matter if the cost to build, install and retrieve these underwater server systems more than negates those savings. If it actually provided some tangible benefits deemed to be worth the increased cost, you would have seen them expanding on the concept, not scrapping it after a decade.
Yes, good points.


Oct 25, 2006
I wonder if in the future we will be able to see a full enclosed system where the water goes all the way to boiling point, powered a turbine, cooling down and it supplies a part of what they consume in power.


May 28, 2011
This was an interesting concept but as always feasibility has to come into play which I assume is why we haven't had a ton of companies trying to jump on the bandwagon.

This is a fantastic point and realistically the way it should be approached to minimize waste.

Reminds me of farms where they were installing solar panels and chose to do it over irrigation channels which ended up not only generating electricity, but lowering evaporation.

Which always sounds good. But then the higher humidity drives mold growth which requires an antifungal (which can only be made by XYZ using Yadda Yadda chemicals which leak into the water and OMGGGG).

There’s no free lunch.


Aug 5, 2008
It is just the next generations version of corporate farms. Destroy public resources to decrease cost and pass it on to consumers in ways other than raising prices. We need to stop it so companies can't use public resources to sell things. You want to cool your servers, you pay for everything they do to our public lands. Then pass that on to customers and we see if they still want it at the true cost.


I wonder if in the future we will be able to see a full enclosed system where the water goes all the way to boiling point, powered a turbine, cooling down and it supplies a part of what they consume in power.
I wonder if that would capture enough energy to be worth the trouble. Anyway, it will remain a hypothetical question, as long as there's no phase-change cooling system in place where condensation happens above the boiling point of water.


Which always sounds good. But then the higher humidity drives mold growth
Oh noesss!!!111 High humidity in irrigation channels? Who'd have expected such a thing? Plus, I mean, fungus in the dirt? How'd that get there?? What ever will we do if there's fungus contaminating our nice, clean soil??

IMO, it'd be a good idea to try fact-checking some of these thoughts, before being so reflexively negative.

There’s no free lunch.
Unlocking efficiencies in systems from better design is what engineers do. There's not always a free lunch, but it can usually be cheaper or better tasting - sometimes both!