Microsoft to Change 'SkyDrive' Name Following UK Lawsuit

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Sky is owned by fatheaded Australian Rupert Murdoch, who runs News Corp, who incidentally also own Fox - headquarters in New York - so wind your neck in before you make yourself look stupid
actually bskyb is not entirely owned by Murdoch
I believe just before the phone hacking stuff went down he was trying to aqquire all of it but the competition commission (or something) kept saying no
actually bskyb is not entirely owned by Murdoch
I believe just before the phone hacking stuff went down he was trying to aquire all of it but the competition commission (or something) kept saying no
If MS are smart, and they can be sometimes, they could buy Dropbox for a snip over $4billion and in one stroke sweep away the name problem and create a virtual monopoly of cloud storage
This is so pathetic I don't even know where to begin. As for a new name, I know they've been trying to wind down on the whole "Live" thing, so I presume they won't use that. They'll probably use something simple and straight forward like "Microsoft Drive". That's probably safest - don't need to shoot themselves in the foot by going overboard trying to manufacture an overly complex name.
They should have named it M$ drive like Google drive.

This is where Google got it right, they just name majority their product Google + "product" or G + "product". It also promote better identity to the owner.

I think M$ managers really don't line Microsoft name, because it is already "micro" and also "soft" at the same time, it's kinda turn off...
In light of the XB1 they could push the "one" brand, OneDrive? They would have little problem with previous ownership seeing as it looks to be with a driving instructor. The first whiff of money and it is theirs.
Considering MS's lame attempts at coming up with names in the past - Windows 7 Phone, Windows Internet Explorer, Windows 8 Phone, Windows Live, ... catching the theme?

My guess is the new name will be Windows Drive or Windows Cloud Drive.

SkyDrive was like the only name I thought was decent for a product of MS's.
Microsoft is lame? I guess, but other's aren't much better, in fact a bit worse.

Mac OS
Nvidia GTX number alphabet soup
Sony XW2048/TICmne2139ck
Samsung Galaxy everything.

competition commission (or don't Americans have something like that?)
its basicly an independent body that looks at every market and if someone appears to be getting a stranglehold on it (so what they say happens happens because there is no one else) the competition commission will step in and force whoever it is to release said stranglehold

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