[citation][nom]safcmanfr[/nom]but if one wifi hot spot was 1 mile in radius...... Bring in a fibre optic connection to the transmitter and bingo, one good public access spot. all the small villages could get decent connections. or, internet connection via this could eventually replace the need for telephone lines. fiber optic connection point, each ISP have their own white-fi broadcaster/receiver and you pay for your access (password) to said network. yeah yeah, so u need a box at your house that communicates 2-way with the ISP transmitter. but why wouldnt that be possible? anything to get rid of the copper wire i say.[/citation]
But would you have a transmitter on your laptop? No I don't think.
This whole idea is great to augment the existing wireless networks we have access to, but it cannot replace a wireless home network. I can see this as the connection from the home/hotspot to the provider, but everything local would still be a/b/g/n/x. The battery consumption to transmit this signal even within a single house would make it impractical for laptops and other mobile devices.