News Microsoft Won't Drive Up Xbox Pricing Amidst PS5 Price Hike

On the one hand, this is a solid marketing move to attempt to attract more sales.
On the other hand, consoles are not usually something the typical person falls for marking over, but rather habit.
Most people out there looking to get a console probably have one in mind, and wouldnt easily be convinced otherwise.
Most people out there looking to get a console probably have had one in mind, and wouldn't easily be convinced otherwise

Besides myself, I know quite a few people in my gaming circle of friends out there who have a long history of Playstation and Xbox console owning and gaming over PC mostly due to cost factor. However, the past 2 years of both Sony and Microsoft to not be able to keep up with demand have pushed many to give up even trying for a 5th generation console of either brand (Xbox S doesn't count). Several I know got into PC gaming for the first time last holiday season as consoles were still MIA a year later. I helped three build their first gaming PC. The XB gamers specifically didn't miss a beat with already having an XB account for easy tranition to Windows based PC gaming. Falling GPU prices due to the cryptocurrency crash and excess PC hardware inventories further makes building one's first gaming PC even more attractive.
They’re not raising prices on imaginary product? You still can’t buy one in the store so basically it’s vaporware

It’s been so long I’m not even interested anymore. Don’t care if they ever sell another one. good luck on them selling games when they can’t even get the hardware out the door

Instead of raising prices they should focus on making more hardware. That way they could have actual sales and make some money
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They’re not raising prices on imaginary product? You still can’t buy one in the store so basically it’s vaporware
They've sold over 38,000,000 units combined. If that number of functioning products in the wild counts as "vaporware", then that word has been overused to the point of losing all meaning.
They've sold over 38,000,000 units combined. If that number of functioning products in the wild counts as "vaporware", then that word has been overused to the point of losing all meaning.
That many and I still can’t buy one. Like I said vaporware. I don’t know how they’ve sold that many. I’ve never seen them in the stores and they’re not available on Amazon or any other place.

If you don’t like my comments then too bad it’s vaporware until every person who wants one can buy one

Hey guess what everyone I’m not going to raise prices on some thing that you can’t even buy anyway. It makes no sense
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That many and I still can’t buy one. Like I said vaporware. I don’t know how they’ve sold that many. I’ve never seen them in the stores and they’re not available on Amazon or any other place.

If you don’t like my comments then too bad it’s vaporware until every person who wants one can buy one

Hey guess what everyone I’m not going to raise prices on some thing that you can’t even buy anyway. It makes no sense
Vaporware, by definition, is a product that does not physically exist.
As stated above, millions of units have shipped, just because availability is not great does not make it vaporware. Sure its an issue, but thats not correct to call it vaporware.
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By the numbers Microsoft isn't as effected by the "parts procurement, production capacity, logistics, and inflation rates, " because they are not having to build as many units.

I can't blame Sony for raising the price to maintain the margin on a winning product.

I also applaud Microsoft for holding the line on their MSRP. (which I assume is to try and improve their competitive position.)
Vaporware, by definition, is a product that does not physically exist.
As stated above, millions of units have shipped, just because availability is not great does not make it vaporware. Sure its an issue, but thats not correct to call it vaporware.
I’m just miffed. I guess as long as they’re not going to implement a customer queue and allow people who want them to buy them, then I’m out. I’m not buying from scalpers and they’re just supporting the scalpers

They don’t have to raise prices for scalpers will do that for them
Raising the price on a game console is highly unusual. However, might have something to do with global currencies. The USD is strong right now. Sony has their HQ in Japan while Microsoft has theirs in the US. Global currency balancing is probably the main issue. Microsoft doesn't need to adjust to the fluctuations, but Sony does.

Also, Microsoft doesn't have the same strong catalog of exclusive IP that Sony does. Spiderman, Horizon ZD, Ratchet and Clank, Gran---nevermind that trainwreck, God of War, and several others. Microsoft has Halo and Forza. XBox doesn't have as strong a draw as Playstation.

I’m just miffed. I guess as long as they’re not going to implement a customer queue and allow people who want them to buy them, then I’m out. I’m not buying from scalpers and they’re just supporting the scalpers

They don’t have to raise prices for scalpers will do that for them
I'm not sure if they're still doing it, but Sony's direct store had that customer queue about a year ago. I put in my PSN account details and got a PS5 shipped to me about 3 weeks later. UPS completely messed up the delivery and charged me a ransom, but that's a tangent. I've had the system for almost a year now. Sony definitely prioritizes PSN accounts with gaming histories. Some coworkers who were new to Playstation or only used their PS4 for streaming had to wait months.
They’re not raising prices on imaginary product? You still can’t buy one in the store so basically it’s vaporware

It’s been so long I’m not even interested anymore. Don’t care if they ever sell another one. good luck on them selling games when they can’t even get the hardware out the door

Instead of raising prices they should focus on making more hardware. That way they could have actual sales and make some money

In the UK Game also has them in stock.
They've sold over 38,000,000 units combined. If that number of functioning products in the wild counts as "vaporware", then that word has been overused to the point of losing all meaning.
Correct and if a person isn't interested in purchasing either a Series X or PS5 they won't notice when they are in stock. A few months ago, the XBOX Series X was in stock at for $499 for several weeks in a row. I purchased a PS5 directly from Walmart. The Series S is readily available just about at every Retailer for a discount. It's still in stock at Microsoft's website.

The PS5 gets restocked at Sony's website regularly now. They do sell out fast but Sony will even give you get an invitation to buy one. I have purchased both a Series S and X as well as a PS5. It boils down to how much do you want one? Ebay prices are getting much closer to MSRP the last few months.
That many and I still can’t buy one. Like I said vaporware. I don’t know how they’ve sold that many. I’ve never seen them in the stores and they’re not available on Amazon or any other place.

If you don’t like my comments then too bad it’s vaporware until every person who wants one can buy one

You're being overly dramatic because you can't have things EXACTLY your way and YOUR way would require so much stock that it's LITERALLY filled to the brim on all shelves of all stores at all times... Only then could YOU always be guaranteed what you're asking... To be able to walk into any store at any time and grab one with zero issues.

None of these companies even want that they want to sell as many as possible sure and they want you to get one but no one wants stock just piling up in stores.

While supply is certainly constrained MOST who actually put in the effort to get a console are getting them (that means doing more than just walking into your local store every now and then to see if it's there)

As many have pointed out xbox has been available at multiple retailers almost EXACTLY as you'd like being "available on shelves" (even if only virtually) for weeks at a time.

Meanwhile ps5 stock has been so much better recently with the introduction of the horizon bundle that on MULTIPLE occasions I've seen stock on BB or WM etc came back several hours later and THEY STILL HAVE STOCK AVAILABLE!

Sure a day or two later they don't but they come back in every couple weeks at every retailer and even as of 24 hours ago I was able to order not one but TWO ps5 from Walmart bought 5 hours apart on their website AND WITHOUT needing w+ paid service even.

I've helped over 30 people of my friends and family (and their friends and other family) get a ps5 since launch.

If you're willing to do even REMOTELY a bit of research and like follow a single Twitter account its absolutely possible for ANYONE to get just 1...if I can get 30 I know you can handle getting 1, you're just not willing to try and want to cry online instead which probably takes just as much effort.
^^You and those with your argument are missing the point. We shouldn't HAVE to jump through hoops to get a PS5, at least in the last 6-8 months since GPUs and other PC hardware have an overage of inventories causing prices to FALL. Oh but NOT Sony! Those geniuses have decided to RAISE the price while inventories are NOT at HISTORIC console levels where you CAN walk in to a store and grab one if yours dies in the middle of a game (did that for both the PS3 AND PS4). I'd buy an Xbox X just out of spite because I CAN because they ARE everywhere, but I spent over $3K on a high end 4K gaming PC build. I'm letting my remaining PS+ membership and PS4 die on the vine. Maybe things will be better with the PS6, but I have my doubts with Sony greed.