Microsoft Working on New Reader App for Windows 8

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This is not about Windows 8 or even about Xbox, this is about a Reader App. So quit with the stupid fanboi bullshit. Somebody give me a decent reader app that can open all my e-books regardless of format and that is all it takes to make e-book readers happy. Kindle users that can't open ePub files and such are just crying out for someone to whip the rug out from them. But the name? How about sticking with the "One" branding with "OneReader" and buy out the apps that already use the name.
Nobody cares about XPS or TIFF, simply because it's defaulted or jammed down consumers throats by OEMS does NOT NOT NOT mean that businesses use it. They use PDF. MS needs to stop trying to jam it's technologies down consumers throats in hopes that one stays down. This isn't about being grown up @damienrobertjones it's about being realistic to consumer demand. Windows 8 w/ metro does NOT have demand from consumers. It's another test experiment on the public. 8.1 solved NOTHING but actually have the ability to boot your desktop instead of a touch interface. MS needs to pick a game plan (consumer business or retail business) and stick with it. They've already announced a couple times they are focusing on consumer products and NOT business product, now they need to put up or shut up.
I think that they should also turn their ebook reader(app hopefully) into a sort of ebook manager on the desktop, I normally use calibre, but it would be nice to have an alternative if it has the same usage.
I don't know where this is coming from, but MSFT has not said it would focus on consumer and not business. They may have said they'd dedicate more than they have to consumer, but business is where MSFT makes a ton of money. They'd never give that up. And, as I've said before, experimenting, even if it fails, is necessary. How is anything supposed to change or improve if a company doesn't take the risk of trying something new. Everyone jumps down company's throats when they don't take any risks, but the moment they do and it isn't what they want, those same people scream about the company forcing things on people. This is a small scale project that a company like MSFT does all the time with little fanfare or notice. Let's not blow it out of proportion.
Nothing is wrong with Windows 8. Better performance than 7, lighter, and fun to use. People need to stop griping and complaining. But personally, I don't read enough to care about a reader app. Everyone is bashing on MSFT because of all the new things they have been doing. Hello, people. Its a mobile market now, and they're trying to jump into a game that was already hot for years. Just let them iron out the kinks, and if you don't like Windows 8, just shut up already and keep using 7. Or wait until 9.
Nothing is wrong with Windows 8. Better performance than 7, lighter, and fun to use. People need to stop griping and complaining. But personally, I don't read enough to care about a reader app. Everyone is bashing on MSFT because of all the new things they have been doing. Hello, people. Its a mobile market now, and they're trying to jump into a game that was already hot for years. Just let them iron out the kinks, and if you don't like Windows 8, just shut up already and keep using 7. Or wait until 9.
I would like Windows 8 more if it came with less bloat ware pre-installed. That being said I do like the way the Metro UI is being used and I could see the Metro UI being used to a good extent in a reader app.
Windows 8 is not keyboard and mouse friendly, or tab index MIGHt be if it' didn't have Metro but as usual MSFT is depending on developers to work around MSFT *cough I.E.* instead of realizing that the market will move on with MSFT (Chrome, Firefox, Android, iOS, Opera...they all started because MS couldn't play nice...all these platforms (minus iOS) read common HTML/HTML5 without all the silverlight, ms-java specific crapola... this is your proof the MSFT doens't have the power to make the calls, consumers do). Schools are implimenting ChromeBooks to students. People are deploying Android phones to CEO's and management none of these thigns work with Active Directory the "old" bread and butter of MSFT Business. Exchange is outdated, exchange 365 came right before they were pushed out of the market by Google or any other hosting company. MSFT isn't the powerhouse all investors and business people (read execs) want to believe they are. They are losing share daily... It's the lazy developers not willing to learn something new that will keep them in business until I.T. managers start turning down their antequainted technologies for something more up to date.
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