Microstutter Issue 1080ti

Jan 26, 2019
Hello everyone, I know there have been many threads about this topic, but I am here because I am pretty desperate right now. A few months back I built a pc with an 8700k and a 1080ti and was very exited to play any game I wanted on any settings. When I first built the pc everything ran fine, now almost every game I play has microstutter. Some games are Rocket league, csgo, pubg, league of legends. I cannot figure out why. I have tried so many different things, and I am not sure if it is a driver issue, or a windows update thing. I have tried reinstalling windows but maby I have to go back to an earlier build. I tried to run afterburner to see if anything looked fishy but whenever the stutter happened, my frametime and gpu usage stayed the same. Could it be that im playing on 1080p? Could the resolution be the bottleneck? Anyway I digress. I came here to ask if anyone has any ideas to try and help me fix my issue.

Thanks, have a great day!
I just did some more testing and I see that when im playing rocket league, my cpu usage is under doublke digits and when the game stutters, my cpu usages goes down, same thing in fortnite, whenever I lag my cpu usage spikes down. What does this mean?