Microtransactions, Virtual Currency Coming To Future Take-Two Games

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Nov 8, 2017
No real surprise there. T2 has shown they care more about the money than the players, as evidenced by their highly publicized fight with OpenIV. I don't see this issue every being resolved until people stop buying these things, which will likely never happen, unfortunately.
Red Dead Redemption 2... too bad. Oh well at least we were informed early. Saves me time as they made my decision for me. I haven't played the first one as I haven't owned a console since the PS1, I guess the second one is off the table now as well.

But again i'm glad we were warned early, saves time if you are not a fan of that practice, if you don't mind it then you have a new game to look forward to, just get those wallets in the ready position.

Alex: Here's the clue

Alex: In 2013 this company released an online version of a popular open world game and by making progression so slow without the use of micro-transactions the game becomes nearly unplayable.

Alex: You have 30 seconds players, good luck

PS: I know this isn't a final jeopardy style question, but it still fits.


Jun 6, 2015
Well, with the cost of game development rising (particularly graphics and now 4k graphics) I can see why they'd want/need microtransactions and things like that, but I also feel like they're overdoing it as well. Not just Take 2, but I mean everyone.

That said, until people stop buying microtransactions, they won't stop being a thing. As much as the hardcore gamers who frequent places like Tom's or gaming news sites like to complain about microtransactions and yearly Call of Duty being milked to death, we're also the vocal minority.

If we represented even a slim majority of the gaming population, Call of Duty wouldn't sell millions every year, and microtransactions would already be half-dead already. We're like the small minority of political activists who vote and try to get out the vote in elections. Well-informed, principled, but not very large in numbers.


Jun 11, 2009
as more and more companies pursue this model, the less and less i am interested in computer/console gaming.
too many man hours of dev time gets consumed in making the store essential, and less on game content and immersive storylines. i think i'll have to pass. the positive thing is i wont need to buy new comp hardware, or the latest console, so think of the money i'll save.


Sep 1, 2017
I don't support this at all and won't be buying anything with this crap. Too bad more people used their wallet to complain than tweet on SM.

John Nemesh

Mar 13, 2013
I have put my foot down on this. If a game has ANY microtransactions...I don't buy it. period! Enough is enough. If I end up playing only Indies and 20 year old games...I am fine with that!


Nov 9, 2017
Excuse me. i meant F^^^ Them All! i hate it, yet if i can get deal, ive been known to buy DLC. i think twice. i usually like totally free games, but have bought enough when the prices come down too. $10 a month does not kill me, and i built up a great ps3 racing, and action library of games. i do perk up when i hear players complain about microtransctions. grand turismo 6 i saw that. but just ignored them, and hacked the game actually... so when i hear a company boast about it.. wtf are they thinking?


Sep 20, 2012

This won't last too long. People will do the math on how much they are paying over the games this last year and next and start waiting for GOLD, ULTIMATE, GOTY etc editions like I already do for 75% of my purchases. I never buy a game until it's in the bargain bin at gog or 1/2 off and complete (tired of paying for games that never get finished) or at least fixed by a community patch with DLC all done. There just isn't a game on the planet that is worth more than $20 to me unless there is massive replay-ability. These days I only break for devs that really do a great job (Larian, runic, obsidian, almost human, smaller guys with GREAT FUN games). Great Indie stuff can get near their full price from me though (up to that $20 point or so), since when I do this it's for a game that is very well supported and the dev seems to have a bright future.

I haven't bought a game from EA, Blizzard, etc in...Aw crap, can't remember (over $2.49 that is and these don't have DRM GOG only!...LOL). There's enough great OTHER games out there from smaller guys that give me what I desire in gaming anyway :) I have never purchased a DLC or any addon for a game yet to date, that didn't come in a GOTY etc pack anyway. I will probably pay full price for Divinity OS3 if it comes, but again that is rare and you get so much play time from divinity games not to mention GREAT dev support. I might buy Divinity OS2 for xmas if they run it below $30, but I'm in no hurry for any game these days. I don't buy microtransaction games either unless they have ZERO effect on gameplay (outfits etc, great way to make money, nothing against that, but no pay to win crap).
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