Mid-sized ATX or Full-sized ATX?


Sep 3, 2013
So first off I'd like to show my original build for you


There you go now time to get into my question. A friend of mine said it was logical to get a full sized motherboard for better performance. I want to do that, but it requires a bigger case. I am kind of nooby to computers so I'm wondering if I should get a Mid-sized ATX or a Full-sized ATX? If Full-sized is the answer I already have my eye on a 65 dollar one called the Antec Eleven Hundred. But if I don't really NEED it (I'm on a budget of 800 dollars) what it the best Mid-sized ATX? Oh and this is also a bit off topic but if it is possible, can you recommend me to a ATX motherboard with an AM3+? But my big question is: Mid-sized ATX or Full-sized ATX for a 800 dollar budget?

For your build the mid tower is fine. If you are referring to the motherboard then a mid tower fits ATX size boards as well as the mATX you have listed. I would at least get a 970 chipset board for that build.
Do you have space limitations ? Like a desk with bookshelf above that limits case height ?

If no, all other things being equal, the larger case is likely to give you more room too work in, have better cable routing and better cooling options.

Inexpensive options

$55 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=1N8-001K-00002
$60 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129042
$65 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129066

This is a fantastic case and every other week or so newegg runs a special where either the white or black on is $75 after rebates and coupons


OK thanks. Space is not a problems so is mid-size best for my build? Also could you recommend me a motherboard? A full sized ATX one?