You cant upgrade Win2000 Pro from Win/98/ME gotta start clean. All programs also. There's no such thing like an utility to migrate, and you don't need it for Win2000.
What you can use: user, address book backup, data backup to restore them after new programs installation.
Win95, Win95, Win98, WinMe are different versions of Windows95, the same code. You can do upgrade (migrate) from Win9/x to WinMe.
Win2000 is an evolution from WinNT, and Win2000 is the most stable, reliable of Windows (if you install it properly without any mess from previous installs).
Don't invent anything, follow the standard procedure on Win2000 install if you want to have it working.
The same about WinXP. It's a new OS. New clean install is <b>always</b> better, faster, more reliable than any upgrade. And is always strongly recommended.
Even for already installed operating systems, after long period of time a clean reinstall is recommended. Any OS tends to aging, accumulating of garbage, slowing down.
OK, go with Win2000 or WinXP clean install (w/o or with dual boot) on a formatted NTFS disk/partition and happy computing!
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by NickM on 08/19/01 01:07 PM.</EM></FONT></P>