Millenium Help please


Apr 4, 2001
I upgraded to the new IE on my ME machine and all the sudden it won't remember passwords to sites, anyone know how to fix this? I've been through everything I can think of, to no avail.

<b>"These are my thoughts, your mileage may vary."
Could be a corrupted .pwl file, delete it from C:\Windows

What's the Primary Network Logon set to? Is a user correctly logged on?

Damn, it's late, I'm tired... definately know how to fix this but can't quite remember...

Will try again tomorrow if you haven't sorted it.
I don't log on, it just boots straight to windows, when it was asking for a logon, I deleted the Windows Family thing from Network settings under control panel.

<b>"These are my thoughts, your mileage may vary."
Password files (*.pwl) are associated with the person logged on to the machine.

When you click 'Start', the bottom entry is 'Shut Down', the one above it is 'log off {person}'.

If that user is correctly logged on, Windows should have an associated .pwl file in C:\Windows.

On this machine I'm logged on as 'David Hammond' so there is a file called davidham.pwl which stores all my passwords.

There's another issue with an 'autologon' entry in the registry which, unfortunately, I can't remember now.
I have no password files, It does not ask me to logon when I boot up. But Internet Explorer will not save website passwords, that's my problem.

<b>"These are my thoughts, your mileage may vary."
OK, try this

Control panel, internet properties, click CONTENT tab, then click AUTOCOMPLETE, make sure theres a tick in "USER NAMES & PASSOWRDS", click the CLEAR PASSWORDS button and see if that fixes it- it often does, erm did you post this in a different forum but worded slightly different? coz i recently replied to a similar post but a different answer as I understood the problem differently!!

Next time you wave - use all your fingers
That didnt' work bud, still doesn't save my website passwords. Any other ideas? And no I didn't post this somewhere else. Thx for trying.

<b>"These are my thoughts, your mileage may vary."