Minecraft lagging on a i7


Sep 26, 2016
So I wanted to play some good old minecraft for a change when after downloading I've noticed that it lagged AS HELL! Like come on! I have a i7 6700k, 1060 xtreme gaming 6gb and 8 gb of 2133mhz ram.
I have no idea what might be wrong, all I have installed is forge with TMI and worldedit! I have the official download of minecraft, no texture packs, playing on single player.
Help me, I dont really know what is wrong!
8 ram is way more than enough, anyways if my laptop can handle minecraft better which has like 6gb of ram and integrated graphics along with some intel pentium cpu, then you know the problem does not lie in my specs

oh and I have not used JVM arguments

Just moving around generally, when I stand it goes to around 110 fps (which still is horrible for my machine, but more than enough tbh) then when I move and look around it goes down to even as low as 5 fps with being very unstable between 5 and 45 fps jumping up and down! The constant lag spikes are horrible even when im not doing that much.

Things I've tried: install newest version of Java, set the Change Runtime Parameters to different values (although I still might try to tinker with that later).

And yes, this lag is on a new, brand new, nothing extreme, world.

PS: I did mention it was single player in the original post