Hi! So lately I've been getting this really weird issue. My PC runs all good and with Minecraft always on over 1200 FPS (on singleplayer), but like 300-700 on HiveMC because a lot of chunks and stuff needs to load. I've been playing with my two brothers on Survival Games, but I get this really weird issue. My ping is about 47 ms, and as said 300-700 FPS. But randomly the whole server seems to freeze at me, often at the start of the round. Like nothing works (commands, people are stuck in the air and don't move and I can't open Chests), but my brothers say that I still move when I move, and they can clearly see me moving even though they and everyone else stands still. When the server freezes like that on me, shouldn't I just stand still because I apperently lag? After about 10 seconds it's all good again and I am still in the position I have moved to and the other players have finally started moving again. Sometimes though I get timeouted and kicked from the server, and that's really DAMN annoying. I've used CMD ping -t (forever) and when I check lost packets I have 0% lost and 0 packages, and the highest ping about 50 ms. Weird! So what could the problem be? I share this account with another dude, and perhaps he also logs into HiveMC and just plays on another SG arena? (Hive uses Bungeecord so I wouldn't be kicked). Idk, but it's very weird and hopefully you can help me..
+ No FPS drops either.
Just some basics information:
GPU: GTX 980
CPU: I7 4790K
RAM: 16 GB 1866 MHz
Download Speed: 102 Megabits (according to Speedtest.net)
Upload Speed: 20 Megabits (according to Speedtest.net)
Ping to HiveMC: 47
+ No FPS drops either.
Just some basics information:
GPU: GTX 980
CPU: I7 4790K
RAM: 16 GB 1866 MHz
Download Speed: 102 Megabits (according to Speedtest.net)
Upload Speed: 20 Megabits (according to Speedtest.net)
Ping to HiveMC: 47