Minecraft problems yo


Jun 9, 2014
Hello guys.. So I have a laptop that had Windows 7.. After I have changed them to Windows 8 due to random freezes.. I found out that there is a crash report.. So I searched for it.. And I found that this crash rreport is caused by my graphics card.. It says that my graphics card has to be updated.. But when I try updating my card there is a black screen.. And then nothing.. So... I need your help to guide me how can I finally play my favorite game!... But I don't have a pc at the moment cause I hit the screen of the laptop.. That it smashes..

So I need some instructions on how to update my ggraphics card or how to fix that minecraft crash report.. And if you knowssomething cheap to fix my screen. I live in Greece if that helps you :)

Thanks :) "
So you hit your laptop screen while updating your gpu drivers? Well i think you broke your screen if it stays black eventhough the laptop is still on. xD
I'm not an expert with laptops but you could try to connect it with a computer screen and see if that works. Then you could try to update your drivers again.
But this time be gentle and dont punch it because it stays black for a few secs. (yes, sometimes the black screen takes a while) xD