11-04-2018, 15:10:27 FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe benchmark completed, 63 frames rendered in 1.280 s
Average framerate : 49.2 FPS
Minimum framerate : 49.3 FPS
Maximum framerate : 52.3 FPS
1% low framerate : 21.0 FPS
0.1% low framerate : 21.0 FPS
Well i tried to survive most of time but i cant live longer than 3 minutes haha...
This was with Squad.
Settings used:
1080P (100%)
View Distance Medium
Shadows, Anti-Aliasing, effects, Post processing are Off.
Textures medium.
Another run with solo mode,
11-04-2018, 15:20:13 FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe benchmark completed, 12962 frames rendered in 278.961 s
Average framerate : 46.4 FPS
Minimum framerate : 0.6 FPS
Maximum framerate : 65.5 FPS
1% low framerate : 6.3 FPS
0.1% low framerate : 0.6 FPS
Now i tried 720p settings or medium:
11-04-2018, 15:34:22 FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe benchmark completed, 39190 frames rendered in 782.361 s
Average framerate : 50.0 FPS
Minimum framerate : 30.4 FPS
Maximum framerate : 67.8 FPS
1% low framerate : 24.5 FPS
0.1% low framerate : 8.0 FPS
Well with tweaking you can get better result.
As part of bios of the GPU, i was modding it, now its stock running. Overclock only 50Mhz on core.