Why do you want a platinum PSU? The bronze, gold, plat ratings only have to do with the efficiency between the power drawn from the wall and the PSU so it would save you a bit on the electric bill but it may not be worth the premium price you would pay for it.
As for that systems power needs, a good 550w power supply would be enough. If you plan to upgrade the GPU sometime then I would go with a 600-650w. Stick to Seasonic, XFX, Antec, Corsair (AX/HX/TX only).
Here is a good gold rated psu, a bit more power than you need but it is on sale for less than the 650w version:
Power Supply: XFX ProSeries 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($94.99 @ NCIX US)
If you really want a platinum rated PSU then they usually run for about $130+ (the good quality ones anyways)
Also, if you plan to crossfire your gpu in the future you would need a 750w+ psu.