A laptop with 965m card 1000$ can do must at 1080p.
My faithful 750Ti card still runs most games at 1080p high,
even though it was a cheap card at $120, also using quad
core i5-2500k i think was or something forget.
THE pentium g4400 is prety good, may suffer on some games
which require a qaudcore though, not sure which ones though.
Theres not a lot of games that use all 4 cores that I know of,
only game I know heats up on me is BF3/4.
Theres also the 960 gtx which is a little more beefy version
of 750ti but will run around $200. 750Ti only requires 60watts
which is great, cause you can use a lower PSU, doesnt produce
much heat which I love, while my higher end cards like 780ti/980ti
are like a portable heater haha.
There are tons of games though, especially indie which are not that
too high on the REQ, which are fun to play.
WIth pascal looming around the corner several months.