Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.scanner (More info?)
Have a friend with one of these who is experiencing problems. Scanning
acquisition works well via the Minolta software (scan and file save -
repeat) until he gets to the 3rd or 4th scan when everything grinds to a
halt and scan takes forever. He has 640 MB of memory. Are there any
memory/cache settings in this software that might be set such as to cause
this. I would have thought after scanning and saving to disk, any image in
memory cache would be flushed or overwritten with subsequent scans. Same
thing happens in batch scan mode. Anyone have any ideas?
Have a friend with one of these who is experiencing problems. Scanning
acquisition works well via the Minolta software (scan and file save -
repeat) until he gets to the 3rd or 4th scan when everything grinds to a
halt and scan takes forever. He has 640 MB of memory. Are there any
memory/cache settings in this software that might be set such as to cause
this. I would have thought after scanning and saving to disk, any image in
memory cache would be flushed or overwritten with subsequent scans. Same
thing happens in batch scan mode. Anyone have any ideas?