Minute pauses during heavy tasking

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Dec 25, 2009
Windows 7 64bit Home Edition
Dell Studio 1558
i3 330m CPU w/ integrated graphics
4 gigs of RAM
7200 rpm harddrive
Using a power cord
Average temp of CPU during the pauses is 45 C

Whenever I'm multitasking or doing something simple as scrolling over a compacted windows to see multiple, mini windows pop up down on the task bar, the screen freezes for a moment then comes back to how it was. Is there any way to fix this?

I think it's caused by some factor that limits the CPU power usage, but I'm not good with computers so it's not the best assumption, and I don't even know how to change it.
When it happens, try to see if there's some process (in the Task manager) that is drawing your CPU / Memory resources.

If there is one - write in your next post the exact name of this process.
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