Missing hard drive after Win10 upgrade


Nov 2, 2015
This is very odd. I upgraded to Win10 from Win7. I have two hard drives: c: which is an SSD drive holding the installation of windows, and d: which is a storage 1tb drive.

Now, as the images show, the computer stopped recognizing the C: hard drive and I get this odd grub error. The BIOS doesn't recognize the SSD drive either. I am about to go crazy. Help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Windows 10 probably tired to overwrite grub or because of the update it messed up the Grub loader part for windows. DO you have Linux running on this machine as a Dual boot at all? If you do you will have to rebuild the GRUB Loader to fix the issue. If you don't you can boot off a Windows Recovery/Install disk and we can rebuild the MBR.