Missing Memory In Windows 7


Nov 22, 2005
I need a little help trying to diagnose my daughters computer problem while I'm deployed to Afghanistan. She just recently has windows 7 home premium 64 bit installed. It's been working great for over a month now, but yesterday she said she tried to install a game and she got an error saying she doesn't have enough memory. I had her bring up the system box in control panel, and it showed her score of 5.2 but next to memory installed it was empty. now we know memory is installed because she's able to use the computer. I know for a fact there's 2 GB of memory. I'm sure it's just a windows thing, but I'm unfamiliar with windows 7. Please help with any ideas as to what I can have her look at.
she has 268 GB of free space on her drive. I'm thinking it has something to do with virtual memory, but not being there to see makes it difficult. especially since I haven't had a chance to mess with windows 7 myself.
Some really old games get very confused if there's more than 2GB of free space on the hard drive. They interpret the "free space" number as a signed 32-bit integer and above 2GB it appears to be negative.

Short of temporarily filling the drive up with big files to within 2GB of it's capacity, I don't know of any way around that issue.