Missing reset button connector on mb


Sep 29, 2016
I am setting up a supermicro x10SRA (not -F) mb. The header for front panel connections doesn't have pins for Reset Button. The manual identifies pins 3-4 for that purpose but the picture as well as the actual header on mb don't have pins in that position.

However there is a separate button on mb to reset power and is described as exact functionality as using pins 3-4. Pins 1-2 connect to power button, but when I use the power button on my tower, nothing happens. However i was able to push the on board switch to turn on power to power it on. That's not an option when I close the tower. I know the tower power button works because I had a different mb and it working well.

Is it possible they went cheap and didn't provide those pins because they already have a push button on mb?

Can I leave the reset cable unplugged? That the power on from front panel isn't working suggests there is perhaps incorrect documentation.

Never mind, the manual had the pin diagram flipped. I got it working now.

But the effing B7 error continues to plague me. I wish I just bought a Dell or HP and saved a bunch of time. I'm using dimms recommended by the mfg and know each dimm works on its own but one socjet refuses to work. Simikar problem on another mb. Intel CPU testing revealed no issues. All of this is just way too hard


Sep 29, 2016
Never mind, the manual had the pin diagram flipped. I got it working now.

But the effing B7 error continues to plague me. I wish I just bought a Dell or HP and saved a bunch of time. I'm using dimms recommended by the mfg and know each dimm works on its own but one socjet refuses to work. Simikar problem on another mb. Intel CPU testing revealed no issues. All of this is just way too hard