[SOLVED] Missing volt power cable plugin on my motherboard.


Jul 3, 2016
I have a Emachine-EL1360G-UW12P that I took apart the other day to clean out and make it shiny new and I also cleaned other parts inside it and had to unplug everything on it to clean it up. But now, I have a 4 pin ATX +12 volt power cable that I don't know where it goes. Here is how the motherboard looks and I highlighted the places that have nothing plugged in.
Picture is fuzzy but The connectors you circled are not power connections the white one is a fan connection. No power connector will be missing pins the black ones you circled look like sound connectors. 4 pin square 12 volt connectors are use for CPUs only. I do not think this mobo uses a 4 pin which is a P4 connector. this looks like a AMD mobo.

If the connector is not square than post a pic of it please.
Picture is fuzzy but The connectors you circled are not power connections the white one is a fan connection. No power connector will be missing pins the black ones you circled look like sound connectors. 4 pin square 12 volt connectors are use for CPUs only. I do not think this mobo uses a 4 pin which is a P4 connector. this looks like a AMD mobo.

If the connector is not square than post a pic of it please.