miswired cat 5 cable,now too far back in recessed box to recrimp. Any suggestions?


Jul 10, 2012
My house had cat5e cable running as telephone wire from room to room. We don't have a landline so I figured I'd rewire one of the lines to help run ethernet to a far room.

I crimped new cat5e ends on, used my cable tester and everything displayed in sequence 1-8 ok on both ends. But I plug a computer in via ethernet jack and no signal is transmitted (ethernet jack doesn't even light on the computer). Did some searching in the forums and discovered the ethernet tester could show lights go in the right order, but if used the wrong pairs it could be adding interference.

Sure enough, I look at the crimp and I have both ends in this order (with the clip down):

  • white orange
    white blue
    white green
    white brown

This forum says it should be:

  • white orange
    white green
    white blue
    white brown


Here's my problem, on one end the cable is recessed into the wall and it was hard enough crimping a new end the first time. I don't think there is enough room to cut off the bad crimp job and do a new one (at least not with my tools).

Anyone have any suggestions? Could i throw a crossover cable on the end on one for 4 inches to 'undo my mess'? or would that not help?
Standard woodworking problem:
"I've cut this board 3 times, and it is still too short!"

Wire is wire. If you can splice something on there, it will probably work.
You just have to splice it correctly. Green to green, white to white, blue to blue....like that.

Or...pull on the cable. See if there is any extra in there.
Just don't pull too hard and break it somewhere else.
Standard woodworking problem:
"I've cut this board 3 times, and it is still too short!"

Wire is wire. If you can splice something on there, it will probably work.
You just have to splice it correctly. Green to green, white to white, blue to blue....like that.

Or...pull on the cable. See if there is any extra in there.
Just don't pull too hard and break it somewhere else.
as long as both ends are the same it doesnt matter what order you use, so if you cant change it dont worry about it but try properly next time, alway leave a bit of slack if you can.

i always do it and its saved me loads of times

the devices cant distingusish colour so aslong as both ends match it will work

It does matter: OP did not only mix pair order but he also crossed wires between pairs. By going OoBbGgNn instead of OoGbBgNn, he crossed the two wires from pair one with the wires from pair two. This will mess up signal integrity big time even if both ends are wired the same.