"I think a 60 hz monitor, v-sync with double or triple buffer sees a latency of around 140ms average. The average latency for 144fps, 144Hz vsync, double triple buffer is around 80ms or thereabouts. If you just forego vsync altogether on the 144Hz and shoot for 300fps, you're looking at about 40ms avg."
Just changing your monitors in your example wouldnt affect the latency numbers as much as you indicate.
60hz = 16.66ms, 144hz = 6.94ms, 300 hz = 3.33ms. In all 3 cases, with vsync, thats on top of whatever delay you get from the game engine to the graphics driver to the link to the monitor. As well as the delay from mouse click or keyboard press till the game engine registers it. Changing the monitor wouldnt affect any of that. If you have a gpu rendering 60 fps, you are seeing a new frame every ~16.66ms, but with tripple buffering its at least 50 ms old, if we had freesync/gsync throw on another 10 ms or so, if we have neither then add the above monitor numbers, then throw on say another 1/4 to 1/2 of that again for the image to actually stabilize, and say another 10ms for the mouse click or keyboard press to be recgonized by the game engine.
The 80ms guess is probably pretty good if you have a gpu rendering 60 fps and a 60 fps monitor; 10ms mouse/keyboard + 50ms tripple bufering + 16.66ms cycle time + 4 ms image stabilization + say 10 ms everythign else.
However, changing the montior only affects the 16.66+4ms number above. A 300 hz monitor would only be say 3.33ms+1.6 = 5ms, youd only save 15ms. And be about 65ms or so.
What would cut off a lot more latency would be changing the gpu to a 300 fps gpu on the same crappy 60hz monitor. Now you can cut into that huge 50ms delay in the tripple buffer and drop it to 10ms. And on the same crappy 60hz monitor you are down to a ~40ms delay. Course would make no sense to buy a gpu that can do 300fps and cheap out on a 60hz monitor!
Do both and you can could get down to about 25ms. Even tho the gpu can render in 3 and the monitor can display in 3, there are still other sources of latency you havent fixed.
Of course dont forget human reaction time, add about 250ms for average human reaction time.....so umm....oops none of the above matterd because humans arent very quick by comparison!