[SOLVED] Mixing RAM speeds? A quick query...

Vamo Elysian

Dec 11, 2019
Hi there,

My computer currently runs 2 x 8GB DDR3 1333MHZ installed into the 1ST and 3RD Slots out of the 4 available on my motherboard. As I understand it, these are "Dual Channel"? and linked to work together. My question is, if I buy additional 2 x 8GB RAM (1600/1866) for the 2ND and 4th slots, will they work at those speeds or will everything be clocked down to match the 1333MHZ installed in the existing 2 slots?

If it helps matters, here is a link to my motherboard (yeah it's pretty old! lol)
My motherboard

In addition, can anyone recommend a cheaper place to purchase DDR3 Ram? Other than Amazon/Crucial

Thanks for your time!
All ram must operate at the same specs of voltage, cas and speed.
Assuming your new ram works with the old, all the ram will operate at the lower 1333 speed.

Mixing ram kits is not guaranteed to work. I put your odds of success at 90%.
Best to buy with a return option if you can.

Your best bet for DDR3 ram is ebay. Ram usually has a lifetime warranty from the maker so I would not be
much worried about used. No sense in paying for 1666 speed, better to buy a second kit with the same
1333 specs as your current ram. CPU-Z will tell you those details
Here is an example for $35...
Hi there,

My computer currently runs 2 x 8GB DDR3 1333MHZ installed into the 1ST and 3RD Slots out of the 4 available on my motherboard. As I understand it, these are "Dual Channel"? and linked to work together. My question is, if I buy additional 2 x 8GB RAM (1600/1866) for the 2ND and 4th slots, will they work at those speeds or will everything be clocked down to match the 1333MHZ installed in the existing 2 slots?

If it helps matters, here is a link to my motherboard (yeah it's pretty old! lol)
My motherboard

In addition, can anyone recommend a cheaper place to purchase DDR3 Ram? Other than Amazon/Crucial

Thanks for your time!

Hi @Vamo Elysian

While it's never a good idea to mix & match RAM, as there could potentially be issues, everything from poor overall performance, crashing or only a partial of the RAM installed being "noticed" by your system & thus used, if everything runs, then your RAM would under clock itself to the slowest speed in your system, the 1,333mhz.

"Due to CPU limitations, read the following guidelines before installing the memory in Dual Channel mode. 1. Dual Channel mode cannot be enabled if only one DDR3 memory module is installed. 2. When enabling Dual Channel mode with two or four memory modules, it is recommended that memory of the same capacity, brand, speed, and chips be used and installed in the same colored DDR3 sockets. For optimum performance, when enabling Dual Channel mode with two memory modules, we recommend that you install them in the DDR3_1 and DDR3_2 sockets."

|4| |2| |3| |1|
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Hi @Vamo Elysian

While it's never a good idea to mix & match RAM, as there could potentially be issues, everything from poor overall performance, crashing or only a partial of the RAM installed being "noticed" by your system & thus used, if everything runs, then your RAM would under clock itself to the slowest speed in your system, the 1,333mhz.

"Due to CPU limitations, read the following guidelines before installing the memory in Dual Channel mode. 1. Dual Channel mode cannot be enabled if only one DDR3 memory module is installed. 2. When enabling Dual Channel mode with two or four memory modules, it is recommended that memory of the same capacity, brand, speed, and chips be used and installed in the same colored DDR3 sockets. For optimum performance, when enabling Dual Channel mode with two memory modules, we recommend that you install them in the DDR3_1 and DDR3_2 sockets."

|4| |2| |3| |1|

Hey Mrgr74, thanks for your response!

Based on what you said above, I don't even have the current RAM installed into the recommended sockets for Dual Channel, Guess i'll be adjusting that later on today!

With what you said in mind, It would seem the cheapest way for me to upgrade would be to obtain another 2 x 8GB sticks at 1333MHZ to work in conjunction with the existing RAM. Any recommendations on where to obtain this at a reasonable price? It's been a while since I looked into the prices of components and Overclockers is rather "Out of stock" in terms of 1333MHZ RAM...

Thanks again!
All ram must operate at the same specs of voltage, cas and speed.
Assuming your new ram works with the old, all the ram will operate at the lower 1333 speed.

Mixing ram kits is not guaranteed to work. I put your odds of success at 90%.
Best to buy with a return option if you can.

Your best bet for DDR3 ram is ebay. Ram usually has a lifetime warranty from the maker so I would not be
much worried about used. No sense in paying for 1666 speed, better to buy a second kit with the same
1333 specs as your current ram. CPU-Z will tell you those details
Here is an example for $35:
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Reactions: Mrgr74
Hey Mrgr74, thanks for your response!

Based on what you said above, I don't even have the current RAM installed into the recommended sockets for Dual Channel, Guess i'll be adjusting that later on today!

With what you said in mind, It would seem the cheapest way for me to upgrade would be to obtain another 2 x 8GB sticks at 1333MHZ to work in conjunction with the existing RAM. Any recommendations on where to obtain this at a reasonable price? It's been a while since I looked into the prices of components and Overclockers is rather "Out of stock" in terms of 1333MHZ RAM...

Thanks again!

Would strongly advise you in buying a matching kit of DDR3 instead of another 2x8GB and as @geofelt stated above, ebay is a great place to look. Depending on where you live, you can also buy DDR3 here or here. Don't like Amazon? If you live in the US, you can also buy it from Walmart online as well as Microcenter. Bestbuy also sells DDR3.

Whats your location so options can be narrowed down?